Dr. Sebastian Kuhn
Physics Department Office, Room 306
Oceanography and Physical Sciences Building
4600 Elkhorn Ave
Norfolk, VA 23529
and Physical
Sciences Building (PSB II), Room 2100I; PSB II is adjacent to OCNPS.
Phone: (757)
683-5804 - FAX: (757) 683-3038
Email address:
"skuhn (at) odu.edu"
Research Projects:
For a summary of my research program, click
here or here.
- Spin structure functions at low to medium Q2 and in
the resonance region with CLAS
- the EG1 run
group as well as EG4
and EG1-DVCS.
- Future continuation with the 12GeV energy-upgraded accelerator
and CLAS12: E12-06-109
- Experiment 94-102 ("Inelastic electron scattering off a moving
nucleon in deuterium" -
proposal )
- Experiment
03-012 ("BoNuS - Inclusive scattering off a barely
off-shell neutron" -
- Future continuation with the 12GeV energy-upgraded accelerator
and CLAS12: E12-06-113
- Region
Drift Chambers for the - now decommissioned - CLAS
detector and for CLAS12.
- Mining
the existing CLAS data on nuclei
Short Vita:
1975 - 1977: Undergraduate education, University of Düsseldorf (W.
1977 - 1982: Physik-Diplom (comparable to M.S. in Physics), University
of Bonn (W. Germany)
1982 - 1986: Dr. rer. nat. (Ph. D.) in Physics, University of Bonn,
supported by a fellowship from the "Studienstiftung des Deutschen
1986 - 1988: Visiting postdoctoral fellow, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (California), sponsored by a DAAD/NATO fellowship grant.
1988 - 1992: Acting Assistant Professor of Physics at Stanford University, California.
1992 - 1997: Assistant Professor of Physics, Old Dominion University.
1997 – 2003: Associate Professor of Physics, Old Dominion University
Since August 2003: Full Professor of Physics, Old Dominion University
Since August 2007: Eminent Scholar at Old Dominion University
Since May 2023: Department Chair in Physics at Old Dominion University
In December 2007, I
was elected APS
Recent Classes taught:
PHYS102 -
Conceptual Physics II - Winter/Spring of AY 2022-23
- PHYS101 -
Conceptual Physics I - Fall of AY 2022-23
- PHYS603 -
Classical Mechanics - Winter/Spring 2020
- PHYS120 - Physics of the 21st Century
- PHYS723/823 -
Nuclear Physics Part II - Winter/Spring 2019
- PHYS722/822 -
Nuclear Physics Part I - Fall 2018
- PHYS323 - Modern
- PHYS313
- Elements of
- PHYS621 -
Graduate Quantum Mechanics I - Fall 2013
- PHYS721
- Graduate Quantum Mechanics II - Spring 2013
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