Create 4 random 3-digit combinations such as 092 or 435. Using the chart below determine what phrase your 3 digit combinations make by locating the word associated with each number in sequence. You should take a word from each column in ABC order to create each of your 4 phrases.

For example, the number 548 becomes "responsive digital hardware" and the number 900 becomes "balanced management options" when the buzz-phrase generator is used. Buzz phrases may be dropped into virtually any report for that "ring of authority." No one will have the remotest idea of what you said, but no one will admit it.

Column A Column B Column C
0.Integrated 0. Management 0. Options
1. Total 1. Organizational 1. Flexibility
2. Systematized 2. Monitored 2. Capability
3. Parallel 3. Reciprocal 3. Mobility
4. Functional 4. Digital 4. Programming
5. Responsive 5. Logistical 5. Concept
6. Optional 6. Transitional 6. Time-Phase
7. Synchronized 7. Incremental 7. Projection
8. Compatible 8. Third-generation 8. Hardware
9. Balanced 9. Policy 9. Contingency

To create a "foggy" memo, take any 2 buzz phrases and connect them with a verb and other function words to make sentences. For example, "Responsive digital hardware serves balanced management options in several ways." Put several sentences together with your team of writers to create a document.