
blackboard resources

last.updated 11.30.08


Final Text Workshop


As we finish up the semester, the instructor will give you the opportunity to work on completing the Final Text as well as the Portfolio.


Complete the following task on a piece of paper you will submit to the instructor:

  • Review the chapters on style (26-29) in the SMH
  • Find issues that Lunsford discusses that are relevant to your Final Text
  • Using the draft that you brought to class, choose a sentence or passage that you beleive would benefit from Lunsford sytlistic advice
  • Write down the original sentence, and then revise it using this advice
  • Finally, explain why you made the revision and why the revised sentence might have a greater impact on your audience

Submit your work to the instructor.

Workshop–Final Text

Use this time to work on your Final Text, consult with the instructor, or work with a peer on reviewing each other's texts.