blackboard resources

last.updated 3.12.06


Week 13 Exercise: The Effect of Computers on Writings


In most of our lifetimes, we have seen writing go from a primarily ink/lead and paper activity to a digital activity. Yet this follows a history of (r)evolutionary changes, such as the printing press and the manual typewriter. With each evolution, older notions of what writing is tend to get reconceptualized. Yet, in many of these situations, remnants of previous technologies remain. With this exercise, you will have the opportunity to examine some of these changes.


Choose a specific digital writing application (e.g., MS Word, MS PowerPoint, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe PhotoShop). Then in 250-300 words respond to the following prompt.

Respond to Bernhardt's and/or Spinnuzi's respective article by demonstrating how their arguments apply or do not apply to the use of your chosen digital writing application.

Submit your work prior to class (7 pm) in the body of an email through Blackboard messages. Your work will receive a process evaluation.