blackboard resources

last.updated 2.12.06


Week 7 Exercise: Genre


Genre, in many ways, helps us to comprehend the various texts that we experience. They provide structure that help the audience organize the knowledge and/or information that is being shared or organized. As a result, they also help writers anticipate their readers' expectations. This exercise will help you to start thinking about how you will conduct your genre analysis.


After reading through Swales discussion on genre...

  • develop three heuristics for determining the generic features of a text
  • choose a text, presumably one that you will use for your Genre Analysis
  • use your heuristics to explain the relevant features of this text

In a 250-400 word response, address these three points. The organization of your response is your decision.

Submit your work prior to class (7 pm) in the body of an email through Blackboard messages. Your work will receive a process evaluation.