
blackboard resources

last.updated 9.11.05


Rhetoric and Writing in Electronic Environments


Arguably, internet user's online activity entails a significant amount of reading and/or writing of computer-mediated communication (CMC), such as email, listservs and IM, and web sites. As when we compose with earlier writing technologies, our digital writing composition, require us to consider a whole host of rhetorical consideration unique to the method of delivery.

During this class we will examine the rhetorical decisions made (and considered) in two different situations. As we use CMC technologies to discuss these situations, we will also consider the rhetorical parameters of our own experiences.

Before Class


Login into Blackboard and go to the following chatroom:

Chatrooms Members
1 Carrie B., Donald, Christina, Emily
2 Tamara, Abi, Jennifer, Carl
3 Paul, Carrie P., Debbie, Genee
4 Jessica, Felicia, Nathaniel, Kevin
5 Liz, Nick, Diana, Kim
6 Andrea, Kristen, Elif, Thomas

For the first twenty minutes of the discussion, you will be asked to address the following questions with your chatroom group members:

  • In both situations, how does the method of delivery (e.g., discussion board, the web, email) facilitate communication? how does it complicate communication?
  • what solutions to the problems described do the respective authors propose? what other solutions would you suggest? why?
  • Going back to the principles of rhetoric, which ones seem most prominent in the situations described in these articles?

After twenty minutes the class will virtually reconvene in the Virtual Lecture and address the following question:

  • Which rhetorical principles did your group find most prominent among the situations described in these articles?

The class will then log out of Blackboard and discuss the following prompts face-to-face:

  • describe the experience. What are your initial reactions?
  • how does the virtual class discussion compare to a face-to-face class discussion?
  • how did the small group chatroom discussions compare with the whole class online discussion?
  • how have your virtual experiences compared to the experiences described in the readings?
  • if you were a teacher, how would you set up a CMC discussion for your class? Or as a professional writer, how might you use similar software (e.g., MS Meeting) to set up an online meeting? what consideration do you have to make?