




Today you will be introduced to the course and given the opportunity to start pondering and articulating your stance on the issues facing composition studies in the near future.


For the first fifteen minutes of class, read through the syllabus ( and the linked assignments.

Freewrite & Discussion I

Open an email addressed to the instructor ( In the body of the email write for ten minutes about why you are taking English 664. First write down any questions that you have about the syllabus. Second, explain your motivations, the context in which you currently teach writing (if applicable), and the contexts in which you would like to teach writing. Then write about what the most important concepts students should learn in a composition class should be and why.

We will discuss your responses to this freewrite.

Discussion II: Composition as Applied Rhetoric, The Canons

The instructor will provide an overview of the rhetorical canon. Then for ten minutes you will get into groups of four and look at the modern application of the rhetorical canon. As a group discuss...

  • Which of these aspects of the canon should be taught in the composition classroom? Why?
  • What should we prioritize? Why?

The instructor will lead a discussion on the group's conclusions.