As a teacher I recognize that a commitment to performance and production training in a liberal arts environment encourages me to develop a curriculum that exposes students to a wide range of experiences as they prepare for the professional world.
Digital Film Production (producing, directing, editing, and cinematography) bridges the disciplines of Theatre and Communication and offers opportunities for students to gain a broader experience in performance and production.

Konrad Winters has been teaching film and video production at Old Dominion University since 1997.

Tango (2007)

Paradice (2006)

The Driving Test (2002)
(Submitted to Slamdance Festival of Short Screenplays)

Bert Wall and the Ghosts of the Devils Backbone (documentary) (2002)

The Long Gray Tunnel (2003)

Iron Creek (2002)

Campfire Stories (2003)

Scripts in progress:

All Good Men and Boys (2005)

Brothers (2005)
Bert Wall and the Ghosts of the Devil's Backbone (2005)
The Driving Test (2005)
The Wrong Room (2004)
The Travel Writer (2004)
A Flick of the Wrist (2005)

Campfire Stories (2003)

Let's Do It! (a multimedia theatrical event) (2005)
The White Room (summer 2002)
Campfire Stories(summer 2003)

DIEner (student film 2002)
The White Room (student film 2002)
Push (student film 2003)

Brothers (student film 2005)
The Wrong Room (student film 2006)

Ad Nauseum (student webcast 2009)
KRCK-TV (student webcast 2010)

Political Child's Play (student webcast 2011)