A New Understanding of Life

Macroscopic change (Natural History)

Linnaeus, Systema Naturae (10th ed., 1758) - classification, binomial: Homo sapiens
Georges Cuvier - species, extinction
J.-B. Lamarck - continuity, transmutation

U.S. policy

Evolutionary anthropology

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1727)

Robert Hooke (1635-1703)

Industrial revolution
population increase (think Malthus [1798])

  England France Germany
1800 10 million 27 million 25 million
1850 21 million    
1900 36 million 40 million 50 million
2000 60 million 60 million 80 million

Deaths per 1000 people per year

1850 ~ 35 per 1000 per year
1890 ~ 28 "
1940 ~ 18 "

U.S. = 8 "
UK = 10 "

increase of urban populations

Public health - tuberculosis / cholera

microbiology to the rescue


X-Ray crystallography
Bragg (1862-1942) & Bragg (1890-1971)

nλ = 2d sinθ

University of Chicago - 1953
Harold Urey (1883-1981) & Stanley Miller (1930-2007)

King's College, London - 1952
Rosalind Franklin & Raymond Gosling
Maurice Wilkins, A.R. Stokes, & H.R. Wilson
James Watson & Francis Crick (Cambridge)
Watson & Crick model

1958 - Matthew Meselson & Franklin Stahl

1990-2003 - Human Genome Project

mitocondrial DNA (mtDNA) - female
Y-chromosome (NRY) - male