Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)

Bohemia - Moravia - Silesia: borderlands
race - politics - religion
John Hus (d. 1415)

Protestant identity
denied sacraments, saints, confession (priesthood of all believers)

Thirty Years' War
1618 - Defenestration of Prague
1648 - Peace of Westphalia

Habsburg - Holy Roman Empire
HRE Matthias (d. 1618)

Protestant landmarks
1517 - 95 Theses, traditional date of Reformation
1555 - Peace of Augsburg (cuius regio, eius religio [not toleration])
1598 - Edict of Nantes
1609 - Calvinist Netherlands independent from Catholic Spain

Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden

Olmütz, Moravia (1650)

  houses habitable
noble 77 23
burgher 623 145
suburban 656 0


1640 30,000
1650 1,675

Peace of Westphalia (1648)
Münster (Catholics, incl. Habsburgs and France)
Osnabrück (Protestants, incl. Sweden)

Building the Territorial Nation-State

Absolutism = money + power

Power = standing army

French Army

1610 20,000 soldiers
1630s (vs. Spain) 150,000
1648 400,000

Spanish Army

1580s (in Flanders) 60,000
1630s (all of Europe) 300,000

Swedish Army

1632 (invasion of HRE) 100,000


  1. Taxation
  2. Central Administration
