The Nine Years' War
(Glorious Revolution)1688 - 1697 (Peace of Ryswijk)

How William III of Orange & England was twice a Stuart

                                                                                                 James I/VI = Anne of Denmark
                                                                                                (1566-1625) |   (1574-1619)
                     |                                                          |                                    |
             Henry Frederick              Friedrich V = Elizabeth                       Charles I = Henrietta Maria Bourbon
             Prince of Wales         elector Palatine  |  (1596-1662)                 (1600-49) |      (1609-69)
             (1594-1612)             & Winter King  |                                                        |
                                              (1596-1632)    |                                                        |
                                         _______________|               ____________________|_____________________
                                         |                                             |                            |                                                    |
Ernst August        =      Sophie            Wm.II       =       Mary                Charles II        Anne Hyde     =     James II     =     Mary of Modena
elect. of Hanover  |  of Hanover       of Orange      |     princess royal      (1630-85)        (1631-71)        |   (1633-1701)    |      (1658-1718)
(1629-98)            |     (1630-1714)   (1626-56)   |       (1631-60)                                                         |                           |
          _________|_______                                 |                                            __________________|                           |
          |                                |                                |                                            |                                   |                            |
Sophie Charlotte        Georg Ludwig              Wm.III            =            Mary II                         Anne                  James Francis
  (1668-1705)             (1660-1727)            (1650-1702)                          (1662-94)                  (1665-1714)         "the Old Pretender"
                                                                                                                                                                                   Charles Edward
                                                                                                                                                                               "Bonnie Prince Charlie"


How Friedrich Wilhelm, the Great Elector of Brandenburg, was uncle of William III of Orange

Georg Wilhelm = Elisabeth Charlotte                    Amalia = Friedrich Henry
 Brandenburg  |     Palatine                       Solms-Braunfel  |      Orange
                        |                                                    ________|_______ 
                        |                                                   |                                |
          Friedrich Wilhelm        =          Louise Henrietta                   Wm II.            =          Mary
            "Great Elector"          |                (1627-67)                            Orange            |         princess royal
               (1620-88)                |                                                     (1626-56)               |           (1631-60)   
                                               |                                                                                    |
                                        Friedrich III                                                                    Wm. III      =    Mary II
                                  elector Brandenburg                                                         (1650-1702)        (1662-94)
                                     king of Prussia

United Provinces of the Netherlands - Protestant (Reformed)
Brandenburg - Protestant (elector Reformed, population Lutheran)
Saxony - Protestant (population, but elector --> Catholic)
Poland - Catholic
Holy Roman Empire (Leopold I) - Catholic
Ottoman Empire - Muslim
Cologne, archbishop/elector - Catholic
France (Louis XIV) - Catholic
England - Protestant (but James II Catholic)
1685 Edict of Fontainebleau (revokes Nantes)
1686 Edict of Potsdam (invites Refugées)
Grand Alliance