Old Dominion University
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Molly Duggan

HIED 866

CCL 824

HIED 745/845

CCL 826


Assessment Rubric for Research Proposal






 Title Title uses concise wording to summarize the main idea of the proposal Title is wordy, but summarizes the main idea of the proposal Title relates to main idea of the proposal, but is poorly worded. Title does not summarize the main idea of the proposal. Poor wording
 Abstract  The abstract accurately reflects the content and purpose of the proposal and does not include information found within the proposal. The abstract defines all abbreviations, unique terms, and does not include quotations. Begins with the most important information and is no longer than 120 words. Abstract reflects the content and purpose of the proposal, but includes information found elsewhere in the proposal and is wordy although within the 120-word limit. Abstract relates to the content and purpose of the proposal but is poorly worded and contains quotations and abbreviations. Over the 120-word limit. Abstract is poorly worded and does not relate to content and purpose of the proposal. Over the 120-word limit.
 Organization Introduction is organized into logical sections, including the background of the problem, statement of the problem, research question(s), the significance or need for the study, and the applicability of the study to counseling or higher education. Introduction is organized but is in a format differing from the suggested one. Introduction is not well organized and important data is difficult to locate. Introduction is disorganized. 
 Completeness All Introduction components are present. This would include the background of the problem, statement of the problem, research question(s), the significance or need for the study, and the applicability of the study to counseling or higher education.  Includes citations as needed. Introduction is missing one component.  Introduction is missing two components. Introduction is missing three or more components.
Literature Review
 Organization Literature Review is organized into logical sections, appropriate to the topic. Literature Review is organized but is in a format differing from the suggested one.  Literature Review is not well organized and important data is difficult to locate.  Literature Review is disorganized. 
Comprehensiveness  Literature review is comprehensive, demonstrating the knowledge of the relationship between research and counseling/higher ed; the ability to assess, plan, and reflect upon research in your area of interest; knowledge of sources of research findings in your area of interest; and the ability to develop a significance for the research. Appropriate for the given questions. Focuses on empirical literature and claims. Research claims supported by literature. Contains the hypotheses and an overview of the design/study. Includes citations. Literature Review is missing one component  Literature Review is missing two components. Literature Review is missing three or more components. 
 Organization Method is organized into logical sections, including subjects or participants (number, description / background, selection strategies), measures (appropriateness, description, reliability, and validity), materials or apparatus (appropriateness or description, protection of subjects, participants), data analysis (appropriate procedures, alignment with research questions / hypotheses, inclusion of all measured variables, operationalized definitions), limitations (internal validity, external validity). Includes citations.  Method is organized but is in a format differing from the suggested one. Method is not well organized and important data is difficult to locate. Method is disorganized. 
 Completeness All Method components are present. This would include subjects or participants (number, description / background, selection strategies), measures (appropriateness, description, reliability, and validity), materials or apparatus (appropriateness or description, protection of subjects, participants), data analysis (appropriate procedures, alignment with research questions / hypotheses, inclusion of all measured variables, operationalized definitions), limitations (internal validity, external validity). Method is missing one component.  Method is missing two components.  Method is missing three or more components.
 General References are organized according to APA, are appropriate to the topic, focus on primary resources, and contain at least 90% references written within the last 5 years. All citations in the text appear in the references section, and all references appear in the text.  References are organized but are in a different format from the suggested one. Most of the references are appropriate to the topic, but less than 90% were written within in the last 5 years. One citation does not appear in the references section or one reference does not appear in the text. Minor APA errors.  Many of the references are inappropriate to the topic and are not from within the past 5 years. Includes non primary references. Two citations do not appear in the references section, or two references do not appear in the text. Not in APA format. References are inappropriate, are secondary sources, and are outdated. Three or more citations do not appear in the references section. Three or more references do not appear in the text. Not in APA format.
 Appendix Appendix is organized and presented in accordance with APA, and contains the consent form and copies of all other necessary items. Text contains references to items in Appendix  Appendix is present but is in a different format from the suggested one . Appendix is missing the consent form. Text does not refer to Appendix. Appendix is missing or disorganized. 
 Neatness Proposal is formatted so that information is easily found. All sections have clearly labeled headings.  Proposal is missing headings but pages are still neatly organized with no loose pages.  Proposal is missing the headings and loose pages are present.  Proposal is unprofessional in appearance
 Writing The proposal flows well, and contains subsections and well-developed paragraphs that use topic sentences and transitions. Sentence structure and word choice is clear and concise, with appropriate language. The proposal flows somewhat well and one paragraph lacks development. Lacks one transition. Uses 1 word incorrectly. Language is mostly appropriate Two under developed paragraphs are present. .Uses two words incorrectly. Contains one instance of slang. Transitions are erratic. Three or more underdeveloped paragraphs. Two or more instances of slang. Lacks transitions. Uses three words incorrectly. Contains two or more instances of slang.
Written & Verbal Expression Written proposal is free of spelling, grammatical, and APA errors   Proposal contains one spelling, grammatical, or APA error. Two spelling, grammatical, or APA errors are present.  Three or more spelling, grammatical, or APA errors are present.