Program main !============================================= ! Integration of a function using Simpson rule !============================================= implicit none double precision f, a, b, integral integer n, i double precision, parameter:: pi = 3.1415926 external f a = 0.0 b = pi n = 2 write(*,100) do i=1,16 call simpson(f,a,b,integral,n) write (*,101) n, integral n = n*2 end do 100 format(' nint Simpson') 101 format(i9,1pe15.6) end Function f(x) !---------------------------------------- ! Function for integration !---------------------------------------- implicit none double precision f, x f = sin(x) ! f = x*cos(10.0*x**2)/(x**2 + 1.0) return end Subroutine simpson(f,a,b,integral,n) !========================================================== ! Integration of f(x) on [a,b] ! Method: Simpson rule for n intervals ! written by: Alex Godunov (October 2009) !---------------------------------------------------------- ! IN: ! f - Function to integrate (supplied by a user) ! a - Lower limit of integration ! b - Upper limit of integration ! n - number of intervals ! OUT: ! integral - Result of integration !========================================================== implicit none double precision f, a, b, integral,s double precision h, x integer nint integer n, i ! if n is odd we add +1 to make it even if((n/2)* n=n+1 ! loop over n (number of intervals) s = 0.0 h = (b-a)/dfloat(n) do i=2, n-2, 2 x = a+dfloat(i)*h s = s + 2.0*f(x) + 4.0*f(x+h) end do integral = (s + f(a) + f(b) + 4.0*f(a+h))*h/3.0 return end subroutine simpson