/* Solver for a system of n first order Ordinary Differential Equations (initial value problem) Method: calls 4th-order Runge-Kutta Can be used for solving a system of n/2 second order ODE Demo version for 2D projectile motion AG: Last revision October 2009 */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; /* function prototypes */ double dnx(double, double [], double [], int ); double rk4_dn1(double(*)(double, double [], double [], int ), double, double, double [], double [], int); /* global variables */ const double g = 9.81; // free fall acceleration in m/s^2 const double m = 1.0; // mass of a projectile in kg const double rad = 3.1415926/180.0; // radians int main() { const int n=4; // number of first-order equations double ti, tf, dt, tmax; double xi[n], xf[n]; double v0, a0; int i, key; /* output: file and formats */ ofstream file; file.open ("table01c.dat"); // write results to this file /* output format */ file.precision(3); file.setf(ios::scientific | ios::showpoint); cout.precision(6); cout.setf(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); /* initial information */ ti = 0.0; // initial value for variable t v0 = 180.0; // initial speed (m/s) a0 = 45.0; // initial angle (degrees) xi[0] = 0.0; // initial position in x (m) xi[1] = 0.0; // initial position in y (m) xi[2] = v0*cos(a0*rad); // initial speed in x direction (m.s) xi[3] = v0*sin(a0*rad); // initial speed in y direction (m/s) dt = 0.2; // step size for integration (s) tmax = 60.0; // integrate till tmax (s) /* end of initial information */ file << setw(12) << "t" << setw(12) << "x" << setw(12) << "y" << setw(12) << "x'" << setw(12) << "y'" << endl; /* integration of ODE */ while (ti <= tmax) { file << setw(12) << ti << setw(12) << xi[0] << setw(12) << xi[1] << setw(12) << xi[2]<< setw(12) << xi[3] << endl; if (xi[1] < 0.0) break; // stop if the projectile is below the ground tf = ti + dt; /*=================================*/ rk4_dn1(dnx, ti, tf, xi, xf, n); /*=================================*/ // prepare for the next step ti = tf; for (i = 0; i<=n-1; i = i+1) { xi[i] = xf[i]; } } system ("pause"); return 0; } /*============================================================== System of first order differential equations for the RK solver For a system of n first-order ODEs x [] array - x values dx[] array - dx/dt values For a system of n/2 second order ODEs follow the agreement In: x[] array # first n/2 elements are x # last n/2 elements are dx/dt Out: dx[] array # first n/2 elements are first order derivatives (or dx/dt) # last n/2 elements are second order derivatives (or d2x/dt2) example: 2D projectile motion in (x,y) plane In Out x[0] - x dx[0] - x' x[1] - y dx[1] - y' x[2] - x' dx[2] - x" x[3] - y' dx[3] - y" ==============================================================*/ double dnx(double t, double x[], double dx[], int n) { /* first order */ dx[0] = x[2]; dx[1] = x[3]; /* second order */ dx[2] = 0.0; dx[3] = (-1.0)*g; } /*========================================================== rk4_dn1.cpp: Solution of a system of n first-order ODE method: Runge-Kutta 4th-order written by: Alex Godunov last revision: 7 October 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------- call ... dnx(t,x[],dx[],n)- functions dx/dt (supplied by a user) input ... ti - initial time tf - solution time xi[] - initial values n - number of first order equations output ... xf[] - solutions ==========================================================*/ double rk4_dn1(double(dnx)(double, double [], double [], int), double ti, double tf, double xi[], double xf[], int n) { double h, t, x[n], dx[n]; double k1[n],k2[n],k3[n],k4[n]; int j; h = tf-ti; t = ti; //k1 dnx(t, xi, dx, n); for (j = 0; j<=n-1; j = j+1) { k1[j] = h*dx[j]; x[j] = xi[j] + k1[j]/2.0; } //k2 dnx(t+h/2.0, x, dx, n); for (j = 0; j<=n-1; j = j+1) { k2[j] = h*dx[j]; x[j] = xi[j] + k2[j]/2.0; } //k3 dnx(t+h/2.0, x, dx, n); for (j = 0; j<=n-1; j = j+1) { k3[j] = h*dx[j]; x[j] = xi[j] + k3[j]; } //k4 and result dnx(t+h, x, dx, n); for (j = 0; j<=n-1; j = j+1) { k4[j] = h*dx[j]; xf[j] = xi[j] + k1[j]/6.0+k2[j]/3.0+k3[j]/3.0+k4[j]/6.0; } return 0.0; }