Program shooting !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Solver for 1D boundary-value problem second-order ODE ! Method: unilizes the shooting method based on the method of secants ! (calls 4th-order Runge-Kutta to solve the initial value problem) ! Demo version for d2y/dx2 = f(x,y,dy/dx) equation ! AG: Last revision October 2009 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer, parameter :: n=21 ! number of base points double precision, external :: f double precision, dimension(1:n) :: x, y, dy ! x, y, y' integer i !open (unit=7,file="shoot2.dat") ! boundary values x(1) = 0.0 y(1) = 0.0 x(n) = 1.0 y(n) = 1.0 ! assumptions for y'(1) - use dy(1) and dy(2) here only as a storage dy(1) = 2.0 dy(2) = 8.0 call shoot2(f,x,y,dy,n) write(*,100) do i=1,n write (*,101) x(i), y(i), dy(i) end do 100 format(5x,'x',11x,'y',11x,'dy') 101 format(3(1pe12.4)) stop end program shooting subroutine shoot2(f,x,y,dy,n) !====================================================================== ! Solution of the boundary-value second-order 1D ODE ! d2y/dx2 = f(x,y,dy/dx) with Dirichlet boundary conditions ! y(xmin) = ..., and y(xmax) = ... ! Method: unilizes the shooting method based on the method of secants ! (calls 4th-order Runge-Kutta to solve the initial value problem) ! written by: Alex Godunov (last revision - 9 October 2009) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! input ... ! f(x,y,dy) - function d2y/dx2 (supplied by a user) ! x(1), x(n) - boundary points ! y(1), y(n) - boundary values (Dirichlet boundary conditions) ! dy(1),dy(2) - two guesses for y'(x(1)) ! ! output ... ! y(i) and dy(i) solutions at points x(i) (i=1,...,n) ! note: dy corresponds to y' (the first derivative) !====================================================================== implicit none integer, parameter :: it=21 ! max numer of iterations double precision, parameter :: eps = 0.000001 ! target tolerance integer n double precision, external:: f double precision, dimension(1:n) :: x, y, dy integer i,j double precision dx, yn double precision, dimension(1:it):: g, c ! g(it) - array of dy(it) values [iterative improvement] ! c(it) - array of y(n) values [iterative solutions for g(it)] ! first guesses for g(it) g(1) = dy(1) g(2) = dy(2) ! remember the second boundary condition ! since y(n) recalculated for each new g(i) yn = y(n) ! generate base points x(i) from x(1), x(n) and n dx = (x(n)-x(1))/float(n-1) do i=2,n x(i) = x(i-1)+dx end do ! shooting iterations (for the first two - we use assumed values of dy(1)) do j=1,it dy(1) = g(j) call rk4_2d(f,x,y,dy,n) ! solves initial value ODE on n-base points c(j) = y(n) if(abs(yn-c(j)) <= eps) exit if( g(j+1)=g(j)-(c(j)-yn)*(g(j)-g(j-1))/(c(j)-c(j-1)) ! secant method end do end subroutine shoot2 function f(x,y,dy) !------------------------------------------ ! the second derivative - use original ODE ! d2y/dx2 = f(x,y,dy) !------------------------------------------ implicit none double precision f, x, y, dy f = 2.0*y*y end function f subroutine rk4_2d(f,x,y,dy,n) !================================================================ ! Solution of the second-order 1D ODE (Initial-value problem) ! method: Runge-Kutta 4th-order ! written by: Alex Godunov (last revision October 2009) !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! input ... ! f(x,y,dy)- function from d2y/dx2=f(x,y,dy) (supplied by a user) ! x(i) - array of x base point (n points) ! y(1) - initial value for y(1) ! dy(1) - initial value for y'(1) ! ! output ... ! y(i) - solutions for y in n points ! dy(i) - solutions for y' in n points !================================================= implicit none double precision f integer n double precision, dimension(1:n) :: x, y, dy integer i double precision h,k11,k12,k21,k22,k31,k32,k41,k42 do i=2,n h = x(i)-x(i-1) k11 = h*dy(i-1) k12 = h*f(x(i-1),y(i-1),dy(i-1)) k21 = h*(dy(i-1)+k12/2.0) k22 = h*f(x(i-1)+h/2.0, y(i-1)+k11/2.0, dy(i-1)+k12/2.0) k31 = h*(dy(i-1)+k22/2.0) k32 = h*f(x(i-1)+h/2.0, y(i-1)+k21/2.0, dy(i-1)+k22/2.0) k41 = h*(dy(i-1)+k32) k42 = h*f(x(i-1)+h,y(i-1)+k31,dy(i-1)+k32) y(i) = y(i-1) + (k11 + 2.0*(k21+k31) + k41)/6.0 dy(i) = dy(i-1)+ (k12 + 2.0*(k22+k32) + k42)/6.0 end do end subroutine rk4_2d