program rwalk05 c----------------------------------------------------------------- c Random walk in 1 dimension c Synchronized random walks c----------------------------------------------------------------- c input from a keyboard: c number of trials c site size c output screen: c initial data, average number of steps until synchronization c Attention!!! c the code call subroutine 'gettim' to get current time c that name is not unique, and may be different for different compilers c You may replace the seed number from current time by some seed number c----------------------------------------------------------------- c written by: Alex Godunov c last revision: October 2006 c----------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer*4 ihour, imin, isec, imsec integer*4 x1, x2, nsite, n, ntotal integer*4 iu, it, itests, step real*4 rand, nav, clr call gettim(ihour,imin,isec,imsec) iu = imsec*isec*imin+ihour call srand(iu) write (*,*) ' 1D Synchronized random walks' write (*,*) ' enter: numbers of tests and site size' read (*,*) itests, nsite ntotal = 0 do it=1,itests n=0 x1 = 1 + nsite*rand() x2 = 1 + nsite*rand() c--- do while ( clr = rand() if( then step = 1 else step = -1 end if c--- if( x1 = x1+step if( x2 = x2+step n = n+1 end do ntotal = ntotal + n end do nav = float(ntotal)/float(itests) write(*,101) itests, nsite, nav 101 format(/,' tests =',i7,/,' nsite =',i7,/,' steps =',1pe11.4,/) stop end