program random2 c================================================================ c testing two random number generators c rand : standard Fortran library c urand : from "Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations", c by Forsythe, Malcolm, and Moler (1977) c (see also c the code c 1. generates two arrays xr() and yr() with random numbers c between 0.0 and 1.0 c 2. calculates k-th momentum for both arrays (has to be 1.0/(k+1.0) c 3. the near-neighbor correlation (has to be 0.25) c c written by Alex Godunov (October 2006) c================================================================ implicit none real*4 x(10000), y(10000) real*4 rand, urand, xm, ym, xth integer i, ix, iy, key, nmax, kmoment, kshift parameter (nmax=1000) xm = 0.0 ym = 0.0 c if key =1 then rand program is used c if key =2 then urand program is used key = 1 kmoment = 4 kshift = 5 open (unit=7,file='random03.dat') open (unit=8,file='random04.dat') c*** first random array x(i) call srand(1000) ix = 1000 do i=1,nmax if(key.eq.1) x(i) = rand() if(key.eq.2) x(i) = urand(ix) end do c*** second random array y(i) call srand(321) iy = 9999 do i=1,nmax if(key.eq.1) y(i) = rand() if(key.eq.2) y(i) = urand(iy) end do c*** write x and y arrays together with k-th momentum do i=1,nmax write(7,101) x(i),y(i) xm=xm+(x(i)**kmoment)/float(nmax) ym=ym+(y(i)**kmoment)/float(nmax) end do xth = 1.0/float(kmoment+1) write(*,102) kmoment, xm, ym xm = 0.0 c*** write correlation (same array) c and calculate the near-neighbor correlation (has to be close to 0.25) do i=1,nmax-kshift write(8,101) x(i),x(i+kshift) xm = xm + x(i)*x(i+kshift)/float(nmax) end do write(*,103) xm 101 format(2(1pe14.4)) 102 format(' k-th moment test for two RNGs',/,' k=',i3,2f8.4) 103 format(' near-neighbor correlation = ',f7.4) stop end