The comprehensive theme of our interdisciplinary research is using high-performance computations and novel mathematical methods to advance the state of the art in accelerator science. Our group is a part of the interdisciplinary Center for Accelerator Science at Old Dominion University.
- December 2014: HiPSTERS research awarded a 1-year grant from the Old Dominion University Research Foundation to help develop a high-fidelity code for simulating beam-beam dynamics in particle colliders.
- June 2015: HiPSTERS research awarded a 3-year grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a next-generation GPU-optimized code for simulating dynamics of electron beams.
- July 2015: HiPSTERS paper "High-Fidelity Simulation of Collective Effects in Electron Beams Using an Innovative Parallel Method" awarded the Best Paper Award at the Summer Computer Simulation Conference in Chicago.
- October 2015: HiPSTERS awarded a 2-year grant from Jefferson Lab to develop a high-fidelity code for simulating beam-beam dynamics in particle colliders.
- December 2015: HiPSTERS awarded a 1-year grant from the Old Dominion University Research Foundation to develop a code for computation of radiation spectra from Compton sources.