
This assignment
gives you the opportunity to examine the metaphors about technology used
in a specific text. By doing this examination, you will be practicing
the type of analysis that you will want to do when experiencing similar
texts as a way of understanding your audiences'/students' attitudes towards
writing technologies.

choose an artistic or commerical text that you want to examine. Types
of texts include...
- novel/short
- movie
- television
show (focus on an episode)
- comic
book/graphic novel
- YouTube
- television
commerical/print ad/advertising campaign
- other
texts are acceptable, but should be approved by the instructor
conduct additional research about this text, so that you can converse
with what others are saying. Blogs and other non-academic writings are
acceptable as long as you treat them a voice in the culture and not
as academic authorities.
examine the text, asking questions such as...
- what
technologies does get represented in this text?
- what
does the text say about the technologies' capabilities? what does
the text say about humans' capabilities? what is the relationship
between the technology and humans?
- what
is the technologies' relationship to power in the text? do they have
power in and of themselves? do they enhance power?
- what
is being emphasized, the hardware or the software?
- describe
the people using the technology, as well as those not using, afraid
of, uncertain, or ignorant of the technology
- ask
other questions of the text that are relevant to helping you understand
this specific work
a 1500 word paper in which you explain what arguments the text you have
chosen is making about technology and support your analysis with details
from the text. In this paper, you, in a logical order, will...
- breifly
describe the text you have chosen, paying close attention to the representations
of technology
- analyze
the text by explaining the arguments its composer has made about technology;
use details from the text to support your analysis. Your analysis
should engage the academic conversation that we have been studying
in the course
speculate how this text might influence how its audience approaches
technologies. What commonplaces does it reify or challenge?
- you
are encouraged to include visuals in your paper if they will enhance
the point you are making
the instructor anticipates that the students will compose traditional
papers for this assignment, you are encouraged to use other media if
you desire. Such alterations need to be approved by the instructor at
least one week before the assignment is due.
On the
day the assignment is due we will spend a the first hour presenting
our Metaphor Analysis. For these presentations, each student will have
five minutes to present a brief, informal summary of their work. These
presentation will not be evaluated; their purpose is to share what you
have done with your peers.

In addition
to the general evaluation
criteria, the instructor will be looking for evidence of...
- a well-supported
analysis that is supported by appropriate details and engages the academic
conversations of cybercultures and/or digital writing
- a sense
of audiencethe Metaphor Analysis should be written to an audience
of scholars in Cyberculture studies or Digital Writing/Rhetoric
- an document
that is "original," at least in the context in which it is
being applied
- reasonable
speculation about the cultural impact of the metaphor
- an ability
to articulate your knowledge of the course material
- appropriate
use of conventions, including MLA or APA citation formatting
