
commonplace arguments can have no basis in reality, reflect the
reality of local context, or exclude the realities of some local contexts,
it is important that those of us who work with technology and write about
technology understand how individuals–especially those whom we are
working with–are actually interacting with/through the technologies
they use. Conducting research with human participants gives you the opportunity
to develop this understanding. Part of this research process entails applying
to an institutional review board (IRB) for exemption from their oversight
or approval to conduct the research. This assignment gives you the opportunity
to practice this process.

Go to
Office of Research site and download the Application
form for Exempt Research from the Forms
page. Read through the form paying close attention to the
parts you will have to address when filling it out.
a Topic
a topic related to cybercultures and digital writing that involves working
with human participants. You are encourage to build upon or respond
to work you have already done previous assignments; look at your research
as an opportunity to contribute to the conversation that you have been
engaging with thus far.
out the Application
form for Exempt Research as if you
were going to conduct the research project you are proposing (because
of the time constraints of the course, you will not be doing the proposed
research). This will include a copy of the Research Protocol(s) (p.
4, bottom), Questionnaire (if relevant; p. 4, bottom), the recruitment
tool(s) (p. 3, bottom), and informed consent form (p. 5, bottom). The
Research Protocol needs to be two full pages including relevant citations.
On the
day the assignment is due we will spend the first hour presenting the
proposed research projects. For these presentations, each student will
have five minutes to present a brief, informal summary of their work.
These presentation will not be evaluated; their purpose is to share
what you have done with your peers.

In addition
to the general evaluation
criteria, the instructor will be looking for evidence of...
- a complete
application for a research project that both responds to issues relevant
to the fields of Cyberculture studies and Digital writing/rhetoric
- a sense
of audiencethe IRB Committee in ODU's College of Arts and Letters
are not necessarily familiar with the fields of Cyberculture studies
or Digital Writing/Rhetoric
- a research
project that is "original," at least in the context in which
it is being applied
- supporting
materials (Protocol, Questionnaire, Human Consent, Recruitment) that
fulfill their purpose and are written for the appropriate audience
- an ability
to articulate your knowledge of the course material
- appropriate
use of conventions, including MLA or APA citation formatting
