
To culminate
the work you have done in this course, you will develop a multimodal argument.
In other words, your text will be delivered in a way that not engages
your audience's literacy skills, but uses visuals, audio, and video to
enhance one's argument. The purpose of the project's multimodal feature
is twofold. First, due to the multimodal nature of computer usage, using
multimodal media to compose your argument will enhance how you are able
to convey your message. Second, the project gives you an opportunity to
move outside the role of the passive consumer of multimodal texts and
participate in the discourse as a producer.

a topic related to cybercultures and digital writing. You are encourage
to build upon or respond to work you have already done previous assignments;
look at your multimodal argument as a way of building upon, synthesizing,
and/or repurposing work you have already done in the class.
an argumentative text that has a focused argument, appropriate supporting
evidence, and converses with fields relevant to the course. Additionally
this text will be ten minutes length composed with a computer software
program that allows for multimodality (the inclusion of visuals, video,
gestures, and/or sound to traditional literacy). Some software programs
you may choose to use, but are not limited to, include...
you add in multimodal elements, think about the features of your argument
that can be conveyed best through modalities other than the printed
word. This means you will need to strategize before you compose about
which elements will be multimodal, how you will preesent them in the
text, and where they will be placed.
On April
22, 2009 you will present your argument in a conference situation.
On April
29, 2009 you will submit the multimodal argument either physically on
disk or drive to the instructor or, if you have posted your work to
the web, you can email the URL. This needs to be submitted by 3pm. In
addition to the multimodal argument, you will want to compose a 500-750
rhetorical statement. In this rhetorical statement you will ...
- explain
the argument you conveyed in your multimodal argument
- describe
the specific strategies you used to present the claims that support
your argument
- explain
how these strategies that you chose helped to support your argument
- analyze
how the multimodal delivery of your argument affected the impact of
your argument, as compared to a traditional print delivery

- a
ten-minute presentation
- presentation
due on April 22, 2009
- final
text due on April 29, 2009
delivered on disk or as an URL in the body of an email by 3pm
- 150 points
In addition
to the general evaluation
criteria, the instructor will be looking for evidence of...
- a ten-minute
presentation that engages with a relevant issue in the fields of Cyberculture
studies and/or Digital writing/rhetoric
- a sense
of audiencethe audience for the conference presentation will probably
be other scholars in English Studies. Make the text understandable to
- a research
project that is "original," at least in the context in which
it is being applied
- a text
that demonstrates an honest effort to consider the rhetorical implications
of a multimodal method of delivery; the instructor is not looking for
studio quality work
- an ability
to articulate your knowledge of the course material and an ability to
converse with scholarship relevant to the course
- appropriate
use of conventions, including MLA or APA citation formatting
