An appeal that relies upon the character of the rhetor or the character of another
An emotional appeal; moving your audience by getting in touch with what they value
Rational appeal; the truth of the word
Arrangement The order in which the content is organized for a communication (think five-paragraph essay); genre
Invention The process of coming to the content we are going to communicate; rhetors have debated whether this is a process of developing knowledge or not.
Style The signs-often words-one chooses for communication
Tropes Figures of speech, often refers to metaphors, apostrophe (addressing a person who is not there or addressing an abstraction), metonymy (substitution for an arbitrary or suggestive word in place of what is actually meant), synecdoche (understanding one thing with another); in our current age tropes are often problematized for be valued as reality
Memory The pedagogy for remembering what one will state during a given communication
Delivery The process of relating the word to the given audience; often understudied, but becoming more important in an electronic age