
blackboard resources

last.updated 5.12.10


What is distance learning?


Today we will address the question, "What is distance learning?" to examine whether those who use this and similar terms are talking about the same experience. Likewise, we will examine whether the definitions in the readings hold up with the new delivery systems that Web 2.0 affords. Finally, we will use the topic of delivery to segue into a discussion of the affordances various media give us for teaching at a distance.


The instructor will demonstrate how to set up a blog in Blogger.

Activity I

Everybody will log into Blackboard. In the groups below use the Group Discussion Boards to complete the following tasks

Group Members Tasks
1 Angela, Mark, Jennifer, Azania & Kevin What is distance learning/education? What are the affordances of snail mail, email, and blogs for distance learning?
2 Nancy, Cheri, Megan & Sheila What is distance learning/education? What are the affordances of discussion boards, chat, mobile texting for distance learning?
3 Sarah, Paticia, Eric, Mae & Star What is distance learning/education? What are the affordances of telephone, television, radio, and video chat?
4 Katrina & George After reading through all of your peer's responses, use the next several days until the Monday, May 21st class to have an asynchronous discussion defining distance education and explaining how the evolution of techology is changing this defintion.

To define distance learning/education, study the definitions that each of the authors of today's readings give. As you study the affordances, you will want to ask what does the technology allow you to do as a teacher? what does it not allow to do as a teacher? Think about these questions both in general and as a writing teacher.

Please do not move to another media, such as talking, texting or chat to expedite the discussion; part of the purpose of using the Discussion Board is to examine the technology in practice. Each group will have 60 minutes to address these questions.


We will discuss the following:

  • What questions did you have about the readings?
  • What is a good definition for distance learning/education today?
  • What can we learn from distance education's history? In Peter's articles, what attitudes and practices toward distance education still resonate today, which are different? Why do you think these changes have occurred?
  • What are the affordances that various media provide to teaching from a distance? specifically teaching writing from a distance?
  • On page 151 of Hantula and Pawlowicz, they quote Gilbert who states, "If you begin with a devise of any kind, you will try to develop the teaching program to fit that device." What strategies or heuristics would you recommend for the process of designing one's writing class that accounts for Gilbert's warning?
  • What did you like about using the discussion board to facilitate the discussion, especially synchronously? What was frustrating?