
blackboard resources

last.updated 5.10.12




Today you will be introduced to the course. Also we will think about the tropes about distance learning and how they inform what instructors know and do, as well as what students expect.

Video I–Muppet's Bohemian Rhapsody



Based upon what you know or anticipate, how is teaching writing at a distance similar to or different from teaching writing face-to-face (F2F)? than teaching other–predominantly lecture-based–courses at a distance?


Video II–TED: Salman Khan's Let's Use Video to Re-invent Education


Discussion–The Future(?) of Education

As we listen to this Khan's lecture about Khan Academy, take notes trying to address the following questions:

  • what is his argument? what intrigues you about his argument? what scares you?
  • Khan mostly talks about math, do you think his argument applies to the teaching of writing? If so, how might you put his argument into practice?
  • how might you support or resist this argument if the development and use of videos and his academic model of "flipping the class" was proposed in your context? Why?
  • how does your response to these questions relate to your earlier freewrite response? In short, how does Khan's academic model work with distance education, and specifically, teaching writing from a distance?

After the video write for fifteen minutes on these questions and be prepared to talk about how you see yourself resisting, adopting, or adapting Khan's proposed educational paradigm.