Project Guideline


You need to abide by the following guidelines for your project report.


·        Page 1. Cover page, typed or printed (3+2 pts)


Project title

Project number

Course number

Student name

Date due

Date handed in

Abstract (not to exceed ½ page)


·        Page 2. Technical discussions: One to two pages (max). (10 pts)


Discuss the theoretical background and provide analytical insights (using principal equations, if any) into the expected results, as applicable.


·        Page 3 (4 or 5). Discussion of results: One to two pages (max). (10 pts)


Discuss the observed results and explain your observations based on your expected outcomes in technical discussions section, as applicable, to include --


·        Results – Image results in gray scale. Attach the relevant image result printouts. Number images individually so they can be referenced in the preceding discussions.


·        Appendix – Program listings (in 8-1/2 x 11 format). Standard routines and other

material obtained from other sources should be acknowledged by name, but their listings should not be included.


o       Attach the relevant code printouts.



o       Layout – The entire report must be in 8-1/2 x 11 format. If large printer sheets are used for program listings and image printouts, they must be folded individually to 8-1/2 x 11 size or photo reduced to that size.

o       You report must be typed and stapled.


For any questions, please contact Dr. Iftekharuddin


 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  | Old Dominion University