Peer-Reviewed Publications
Allen, M. J., S.C. Sheridan, 2015: Evaluating Changes in Season Length, Onset, and End Dates across the United States (1948 - 2012). International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.4422.
Sheridan, S.C., M.J. Allen, 2015: Changes in the Frequency and Intensity of Extreme Temperature Events and Human Health Concerns. Current Climate Change Reports, 1 (3), 155-162, DOI: 10.1007/s40641-015-0017-3.
Ballinger, T. J., M. J. Allen, R. V. Rohli, 2014: Spatiotemporal analysis of the January Northern Hemisphere circumpolar vortex over the contiguous United States. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 3602-2608, doi: 10.1002/2014GL060285.
Allen, M.J., C.C. Lee, 2014: Investigating High-Mortality during the Winter Season: Mapping Patterns of Temperature and Pressure. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-013-1075-x.
Allen, M. J., S. C. Sheridan, 2014: High- mortality days during the winter season: comparing meteorological conditions across five U.S. cities. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58 (2), 217-225.
Sheridan, S.C., M.J. Allen, C.C. Lee, L.S. Kalkstein, 2012: Future heat vulnerability in California Part II: Projecting future heat-related mortality. Climatic Change, 115 (2), 311-326.
Sheridan, S.C., C.C. Lee, M.J. Allen, L.S. Kalkstein, 2012: Future heat vulnerability in California Part I: Projecting future weather types and heat events. Climatic Change, 115 (2), 291-309.
Hajat, S., S. Sheridan, M. Allen, M. Pascal, K. Laaidi, A. Yagouti, U. Bickis, A. Tobias, D. Bourque, B.G. Armstrong, T. Kosatsky, 2010: Which days of hot weather are identified as dangerous by Heat-Health Warning Systems? A comparison of the predictive capacity of different approaches. American Journal of Public Health, 100 (6), 1137-1144.
Non-referred Publications
Sheridan, S.C., C.C. Lee, M.J. Allen, L.S. Kalkstein, 2011: A spatial synoptic classification approach to projected heat vulnerability in California under future climate change scenarios. Final Report to California Air Resources Board: Agreement number 07-304. 153p.
Allen, M. J., S. C. Sheridan, 2011: High- mortality days during the winter season: comparing meteorological conditions across five U.S. cities. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Biometeorology. Auckland, New Zealand 4-8 December 2011.
Allen, M. J., 2010: Assessing the Influence of Weather in 5 U.S. Cities during Wintertime High-Mortality Days. Master's Thesis, Kent State University, Kent, OH 118pp.