Environmental Geography (GEOG 101S)
A geographical study of the diverse characteristics of the Earth's physical landscape, spatial distribution of environmental characteristics, the impacts of these on human populations and human populations' impact on the natural environment. Topics include climate and climate change, mass movements and natural hazards, biogeography and environmental problems such as desertification and deforestation, and the use and abuse of water resources. One of two such courses, this course provides an introduction to the discipline of Geography. The other foundational course is Cultural Geography.
Seminar in Advanced Environmental Geography (GEOG 400W)
The objective of the course is to provide students with a deeper understanding of the current concepts and debates in Environmental Geography. By exploring the ethical and philosophical foundations of the field, the course considers the environment's opportunities and constraints. While topics may include climate change, agricultural security, and renewable energy, the course will be driven be student-led discussions and participation. Critically thinking about complex phenomenon, the seminar will include various weekly readings, discussions, and writing assignments.
An exploration of human perceptions of and responses to extreme geophysical and technological threats, including nuclear bombs and accidents, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Prerequisites: junior standing and six credits in the social sciences or permission of the instructor.
Medical Geography focuses on human-environment interactions and the influence these relationships have on health and well-being. By nature, Medical Geography is integrative and multidisciplinary, incorporating contributions from a range of specialties including public health, psychology, public administration, and biology. Much research in the discipline focuses on ecological, social, and spatial theories and methodologies. The course will cover a range of topics including spatial behaviors of infectious disease and health care access. The focus of the course will be on geographical patterns of health and disease from the population rather than individual scale. In addition to seminar style lectures and discussions, the course enables students to further investigate by learning how to conduct medical/health geography research.
Weather and climate play a pivotal role in nearly every aspect of life. Do I need a jacket today? What impact does El Niņo have on Peruvian farmers? How is the issue of climate change reflected in national security policy? Why? Beyond an understanding of the complex processes that dictate the flow of the atmosphere, the course analyzes the socioeconomic, political, and cultural perspectives of climate and weather. From bioclimatology to Sebastians Juger's The Perfect Storm, significant portions of the course will be spent investigating the relationship between weather, climate, and a wide range of human activities and responses. Weather, Climate, and Society also provides a framework for stewardship and responsibility to the future.