Roman Chronology (Republic)

753 B.C. Romulus and Remus
  period of Seven Kings
509 B.C. Republic
early 5th century B.C.

Struggle of the Orders

  • 494 tax revolt
  • 471 Tribunes of the Plebs (10, sacrosanct)
450 B.C. Twelve Tables
400-264 B.C.


  • ca. 400 - capture of Veii
  • 390s - Gauls capture Po valley, raid Italy
  • 387 - Rome sacked (last time for 800 years)
  • 264 - Rome controls all of Italy

Punic Wars

  1. 264-241 (Sicily)
  2. 218-201 (Italy)
  3. 149-146 (Carthago delenda est)
133, 121 B.C. Tiberius, Gaius Gracchus (land reform)
1st century B.C. Golden Age of Roman literature
civil wars / crisis of Republican constitution
44 B.C. Assassination of Julius Caesar / end of Republic

Cursus honorum
("course of offices" or Roman magistrates)

          * Praetor                      * = "imperium"
           Aedile (curule)---or---(plebian) Aedile
                |                                              |
                |                                              |
           Quaestor                                 Tribune
elected by Patricians                          Plebs only
             or Plebs

Checks and Balances