Nina W. Brown is a professor and eminent scholar in the Department of Counseling and Human Services. Her professional credentials include a doctorate, licensure as a professional counselor ( LPC), national counselor certification ( NCC), and is designated as a fellow by the American Group Psychotherapy Association ( FAGPA). She has additional training in group psychotherapy from the Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society (MAGPS) and the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA). Her specialty areas are group therapy and narcissism.
Her publications include twenty-one books ( not including those translated into other languages), and over 50 articles in national refereed journals. Recent published books are Psychoeducational Groups ( 2010), Uptight ( 2010), Becoming a group leader (2009), and the second edition of Children of the self-absorbed. The next book scheduled for publication in 2012 is Creative activities for group therapy.
Professional involvement at the national/international levels focuses primarily on group counseling and psychotherapy with membership and service activities for the Association for Specialists in Group Work ( ACA), The Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy ( APA Division 49) and the American Group Psychotherapy Association. She has served, and is serving, in leadership positions for these organizations, and will begin her term as president for the Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy in January 2012. She has also served as a member of the National Board of Certified Counselors’ ( NBCC) National Counselor’s Examination board whose primary task is to review the NCE twice yearly, and to write test items.
Dr. Brown is actively involved with department, college, and university committees. For example, she serves and has served as a member and chair of the department promotion and tenure committee, the college Faculty Governance’s Evaluation and Human Subjects Review committees, chair of the Faculty Senate’s ad hoc Faculty Handbook review committee, chair and member of the university’s Eminent Scholars and Promotion and Tenure committees. She was also elected as Chair of the Faculty Senate on four occasions.
Leisure activities are reading mysteries, scrapbooking, and creating collages.