Class location: BAL 3071
Class times: MW 6:00–7:15pm
Instructor: Nathan Owens (he/him; il/le)
Office: Student Success Center 1020
Forbidden: On-line translators such as Google Translate are expressly forbidden. Use of these will be considered a violation of ODU’s code of student conduct, Section IX. A. 1. and will be dealt with as such.
Participation and preparation | 10% |
Online Homework | 20% |
Quizzes (lowest three dropped) | 20% |
Composition (three drafts) | 20% |
Examen | 20% |
Présentation orale | 10% |
A | 100–93.3 |
A- | 93.2–90.0 |
B+ | 89.9–86.7 |
B | 86.6–83.3 |
B- | 83.2–80.0 |
C+ | 79.9–76.7 |
C | 76.6–73.3 |
C- | 73.2–70.0 |
D+ | 69.9–66.7 |
D | 66.6–63.3 |
D- | 63.2–60.0 |
F | 59.9–0 |
Participation: Preparation points are gained by reading in advance and answering any reading questions set for that day. Those will be collected daily. Participation is guaged by actively taking part in discussions, speaking as much French as possible, and contributing to a good working environment for everybody. Participation is a global grade awarded at the end of the semester. You will be asked to propose and justify your own participation grade. The instructor will have full discretion to modify your proposed participation grade.
Communication: Check your ODU email daily. If you need to send me an email, be sure to include FR202 in the subject line. If you have questions about the homework, let me know via ODU email as soon as possible.
The Language Learning Center (LLC): The LLC (BAL 3061) promotes the study of world languages and cultures with a wide variety of resources informed by best practices and research. Our on-site and virtual student support services include: academic assessment, proctoring, reference materials, listening comprehension activities, film screenings, language learning software applications, international news broadcasts from SCOLA, options for telecollaborative conversations and exchanges, integrative learning approaches with e-Portfolios, immersive virtual reality experiences, workshops, LLChat Podcast, service-learning and outreach programs, and free CRLA certified peer language tutoring with LLC or (access via Canvas). Please consult with the LLC Director, Betty Rose Facer (, and staff for suggestions (757-683-3364) or visit the LLC website to learn more
Statement of basic needs: My aim is to make this semester manageable for you. I encourage you to be upfront with me about delays and difficulties you may face—that way I can work with you. I will endeavor to respond compassionately to any extra difficulties you experience this semester (illness, childcare, burnout, etc.) In addition, student drop-in hours are a great way to connect.If you experience homelessness, food insecurity, injury, mental illness, or onset of mental or physical disability, and feel comfortable approaching me, I will be glad to help and will do my best to offer support and connect you with appropriate resources. If you prefer not to talk to me about problems like these, contact and they will help you to get support and to navigate administrative hurdles.
IMPORTANT: Please be aware that with the exception of Counseling & Student Health Services, University employees including myself are obligated to report incidents of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence and stalking to the Title IX Coordinator or one of the Deputy Title IX Coordinators. I want to help in whatever way I can, and I want to be sure that you know the limits of what I can legally promise to keep in confidence.
Accommodations: Old Dominion University is committed to ensuring equal access to all qualified students with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Office of Educational Accessibility (OEA) is the campus office that works with students who have disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations.
If you experience a disability which will impact your ability to access any aspect of my class, please present the professor with an accommodation letter from OEA so that we can work together to ensure that appropriate accommodations are available to you.
If you feel that you will experience barriers to your ability to learn and/or testing in my class but do not have an accommodation letter, please consider scheduling an appointment with OEA to determine if academic accommodations are necessary.
The Office of Educational Accessibility is located at 1021 Student Success Center and their phone number is (757) 683-4655. Additional information is available at the OEA website:
Honor pledge: "I pledge to support the honor system of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the academic community, it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violators of the honor system. I will report to Honor Council hearings if summoned." By attending Old Dominion University, you have accepted the responsibility to abide this code. This is an institutional policy approved by the Board of Visitors.
Progress reports: Since this a 100/200-level course, students will receive a progress grade in the fifth week of classes. You can access your progress grade from the student menu in LeoOnline. I will also provide periodic written progress reports a few times during the semester.
Jour et date | Travaux |
lundi 13 janvier | Introductions; révisions |
mercredi 15 janvier | pas de classe |
lundi 20 janvier | pas de classe ! (fête de Martin Luther King Jr.) |
mercredi 22 janvier | cours annulé pour cause de neige |
lundi 27 janvier | révisions
mercredi 29 janvier | Chapitre 13 : Communication en direct ; Vocabulaire interactif
lundi 3 février | Chapitre 13 : La francophonie en direct ; Grammaire interactive 13.1 ; Par la suite
mercredi 5 février | Chapitre 13 : Grammaire interactive 13.2 ; Par la suite 13.2
lundi 10 février |
Chapitre 13 : Grammaire interactive 13.3 ; Par la suite 13.3
mercredi 12 février | Chapitre 13 : Culture en direct
lundi 17 février | Chapitre 14 : Communication en direct ; Vocabulaire interactif
mercredi 19 février | cours annulé pour cause de neige |
lundi 24 février | Chapitre 14 : La francophonie en direct ; Grammaire interactive 14.1
mercredi 26 février | Chapitre 14 : Grammaire interactive 14.2 ; Par la suite 14.2
lundi 3 mars | Chapitre 14 : Grammaire interactive 14.3 ; Par la suite 14.3
mercredi 5 mars | Chapitre 14 : Culture en direct
lundi 10 mars | pas de classe ! (vacances de printemps) |
mercredi 12 mars | pas de classe ! (vacances de printemps) |
lundi 17 mars | Exercice écrit (1e brouillon, à écrire en classe) |
mercredi 19 mars | Chapitre 15 : Communication en direct ; Vocabulaire interactif
lundi 24 mars | Chapitre 15 : La francophonie en direct ; Grammaire interactive 15.1 ; Par la suite
mercredi 26 mars | Chapitre 15 : Grammaire interactive 15.2 ; Par la suite 15.2
lundi 31 mars | Chapitre 15 : Grammaire interactive 15.3 ; Par la suite 15.3
mercredi 2 avril | Chapitre 15 : Culture en direct
lundi 7 avril | Exercice écrit (2e brouillon, à écrire en classe) |
mercredi 9 avril | Individual meetings (final oral project) |
lundi 14 avril | révisions |
mercredi 16 avril | Examen |
lundi 21 avril | 3e brouillon à rendre |
mercredidi 23 avril | Présentations |
mercredi 28 avril | Présentations (si nécessaire) —Self-evaluations due! |