import import import import import import org.jlab.jnp.physics.EventFilter import org.jlab.jnp.physics.PhysicsEvent import org.jlab.jnp.reader.DataManager import org.jlab.jnp.utils.file.FileUtils //Get list of files from subdirectories. Class to be implemented in the main software package soon. If this functionality //is useful for you, let me know and I will send you the FileFinder class //List dataFiles = FileFinder.getFilesFromSubdirs("/w/hallb-scifs17exp/clas12/rg-a/production/recon/pass0/v5/mon", "*"); List dataFiles = FileFinder.getFiles("/w/hallb-scifs17exp/clas12/jnp/dataspace/rec_004013_FULL.hipo"); //Declare an event filter using lundPID. //In this case, 11(e), 2212(p), 211(pi+), -211(pi-), Xn(any other neutrals) EventFilter filter = new EventFilter("11:2212:211:-211:Xn:X+:X-"); //Here I skim ~630 files and write them to a single file. In order to do that, the writer must be declared //outside of the event loop. This shows how to do it. It must have the same SchemaFactory as the the input files //So below is how to set it up properly //Open first file in file list and declare a writer with the schema factory that the reader returns. Close that reader. HipoReader firstReader = new HipoReader();[0]); HipoWriter writer = new HipoWriter(firstReader.getSchemaFactory()); firstReader.close(); //Open file you want to write to. It will overwrite if the file already exists"/w/hallb-scifs17exp/clas12/viducic/data/clas12/testDataFile_filtered_4.hipo"); int numFile = 0; //Begin looping over the files in our datafile list for(String dataFile : dataFiles){ //Open a hipowriter to open and read the datafile. !!This is NOT the same reader we used before!! HipoReader reader = new HipoReader();; numFile++; println("done " + numFile + " out of " + dataFiles.size()); //The new hipo4 format makes use of the Bank class and an empty Event to read the information in from the file. //Hopefully this makes sense in a few lines Bank particles = new Bank(reader.getSchemaFactory().getSchema("REC::Particle")); Event event = new Event(); //Loop over events in the data file and fill the event/bank while(reader.hasNext()){ //This fills our empty event object with the event reader.nextEvent(event); //this gets the relevant bank information and fills it; //Construct a physics event PhysicsEvent physEvent = DataManager.getPhysicsEvent(10.6, particles); //If the physics event passes the filter, write it to a file if(filter.isValid(physEvent)){ writer.addEvent(event); } } } //Close the writer writer.close(); public class FileFinder { public FileFinder() { } private static List listOfFiles = new ArrayList(); private static String newKeyWord = ""; public static int DEBUG_MODE = 0; public static List getFiles(List listOfDirs, String fileName){ for(String dir : listOfDirs){ getFiles(dir, fileName); } return listOfFiles; } public static List getFilesFromSubdirs(String directory, String wildcard){ List listOfDirs = getSubdirs(directory); return getFiles(listOfDirs, wildcard); } public static List getFiles(String directory, String wildcard) { String newDir = ""; if (!directory.endsWith("/")) { newDir = directory + "/"; } else { newDir = directory; } List filesInDirectory = FileUtils.getFileListInDir(directory); if (wildcard.contains("*")) { newKeyWord = newDir + wildcard.replace("*", ".*"); } else { newKeyWord = newDir + wildcard; } for (String f : filesInDirectory) { if (f.matches(newKeyWord)) { listOfFiles.add(f.toString()); } } return this.listOfFiles; } public static List getDirectoryName(String fullPath) { List dirFile = new ArrayList(); int start = fullPath.lastIndexOf("/"); dirFile.add(0, fullPath.substring(0, start + 1)); dirFile.add(1, fullPath.substring(start + 1)); return dirFile; } public static List getFiles(String fullPath) { List dirCombo = getDirectoryName(fullPath); return getFiles(dirCombo.get(0), dirCombo.get(1)); } public static List getSubdirs(String directory) { if (DEBUG_MODE > 0) { System.out.println(">>> scanning directory : " + directory); } List dirList = new ArrayList(); File[] dirs = (new File(directory)).listFiles(); if (dirs == null) { if (DEBUG_MODE > 0) { System.out.println(">>> scanning directory : directory does not exist"); } return dirList; } else { File[] var3 = dirs; int var4 = dirs.length; for(int var5 = 0; var5 < var4; ++var5) { File dir = var3[var5]; if (dir.isDirectory()) { if (!dir.getName().startsWith(".") && !dir.getName().endsWith("~")) { dirList.add(dir.getAbsolutePath()); } else if (DEBUG_MODE > 0) { System.out.println("[FileUtils] ----> skipping file : " + dir.getName()); } } } return dirList; } } }