
blackboard resources

last.updated 10.19.08


Peer Review


One of the best practices that writers, from students writing a term paper to academics writing a journal article to engineers developing documentation and speculations to a community organizer writing a grant proposal, is asking others to look over their work before they publish it. This gives the writer an opportunity to see how other people might respond to these texts–what they liked, what they found confusing, what put them off. As a result, the instructor will teach you some effective strategies for peer review and will ask each of you to review one of your peer's Proposals.

Discussion–Peer Review

We will use a model paper to discuss appropriate and effective strategies for helping another person think about their writing.

Peer Review

Exchange Proposals with one other person. Conduct a peer review by...

  • reading through the assignment for the Proposals
  • reading through this individual's proposal
  • keeping in mind what the writer did well in fulfilling the assignment and composing a comprehnsible text, make some notes about what the writer did well and what the writer could improve upon
  • using the items in your list compose a letter to the writer, respectfully explaining what s/he should keep in mind while s/he revises
  • return the proposal to the owner with your letter

Between now and your conference use the letter written to you to revise the draft you take to the instructor.