

blackboard resources

last.updated 9.22.13




Understand genre and the key concepts that influence genre classification. Make a connection between genre and discourse communities. Consider the IMRAD genre and how it is used to communicate academic ideas. Begin to think about other genres, such as those you may adopt for the Research Remix.

Class Discussion I: What do you expect?

We will discuss the following questions about genres and their connection to discourse communities?

  • What is genre? What are the key concepts related to genre?
  • How does genre shape situations and readers?
  • How are genre and discourse communities connected?
  • How do genre and discourse communities impact your writing for this course, in other academic courses, and areas outside of academia?
  • What are the key concepts of the IMRAD genre and why is each important?

Activity I: What should I expect?

For 5 Minute Brainstorm the following: As a group, list the writing/reading genres you anticipate encountering in academia and beyond (personal and professional career).

For 15 minutes do the following: Choose 3 or 4 from the list you created as a group and discuss how your understanding of genre might influence what expectations you have and how you approach the various genre. What might happen if your expectations aren’t met? How can you use genre to help you read or write in certain context?

Activity II: Check Haas out now...

For 20 minutes do the following: Haas research remix: As a group, consider the various genre you might use to remix the Haas article. Choose one genre to share with the class. Be prepared to answer the following questions: What discourse community will you be addressing? What will you need to change or adapt to meet the needs of the alternate genre and discourse community?