
blackboard resources

last.updated 10.27.13


Style & Presentation


In today's class you will be asked to think about how your use of style–grammar, formatting, vocabulary–influence how your audience experiences your text and thinks about the message you are trying to convey.

Lecture: Same Sentiment, Different Presentation

The instructor will provide a brief lecture on how one can use grammar rules and vocabulary to influence how one's audience responds to a given text.

Activity I: Writing with Style

For this activity you will...

  • Open an email to the instructor (
  • Choose a sentence from one of your four research blogs that you have written.
  • Rewrite the sentence to have more of an impact on your audience.
  • Explain the decisions you made for revising the sentence.

Activity II: Finishing Up

Use the balance of the class to work on writing your fifth and final research blog entry.