
blackboard resources

last.updated 2.17.08


Contrastive Rhetoric


Kaplan's 1966 article connecting student writers' paragraph organization with their cultural thought patterns–also known as contrastive rhetoric–has had a significant impact on the field of L2 Writing. Whether one agrees with Kaplan's observations or not, his scholarship has generated significant discussion. And while many find the original scholarship, as well as many subsequent studies, to be too prescriptive, scholars over the last decade has begun to study the issue in new, and arguably more productive, ways; likewise, practical applications of contrastive rhetoric have begun to be discussed.

Before Class

Discussion: Contrastive Rhetoric

We will discuss the following:

  • We will define rhetoric, structuralism/poststructuralism, and modernism/postmodernism
  • What questions do you have about the readings for today's class?
  • Is contrastive rhetoric useful? Explain. Is critical contrastive rhetoric a useful revision?
  • Mao never mentions contrastive rhetoric in his article. Is his understanding of Chinese American rhetoric an issue of contrastive rhetoric? Explain. Do you see his scholarship as a response to Kubota and Lehner's call for critical contrastive rhetoric?

Activity: Developing Pedagogical Tools

As Kubota and Lehner state, there is not enough scholarship on the practical applications of contrastive rhetoric. Therefore, in class we will develop some practical applications. You will work in groups of four or five. Each group will be assigned one of the following pedagogical tools to develop:

  • the assignment sheet for an argumentative research paper
  • a lesson plan on pre-writing
  • a graphic organizer for a summary and response paper
  • a rubric for grading a persuasive essay

As a group decide whether you are teaching a college course or a language arts course. Based upon what you know about contrastive rhetoric, develop the pedagogical tool you have been assigned assuming that you only have three L2 writers in your class of 22. Write a brief rationale of your tool based upon the readings for today (or other relevant scholarship).

If someone in your group has a laptop, you can use it to compose your tool. You will be asked to present your work before the end of class.