
blackboard resources

last.updated 1.20.08


Paul Kei Matsuda & An Overview of SLW


Paul Kei Matsuda is arguably the most visible scholar in the field of L2 Writing. He is a historian of this young field, an advocate for the L2 writers that the field studies, and a leader in pointing the field towards relevant trends. Therefore, we will begin the course by examining a small corpus of his work and engaging him in a virtual discussion. After our discussion with Dr. Matsuda, we will talk about issues of literacy and the work we do as writing and language arts instructors. By determining what our work is, we can establish a foundation from which to discuss the roles of L2 writers in these classes.

Discussion I: Dr. Matsuda & the State of L2 Writing

Dr. Matsuda will begin with a brief overview of the current state of L2 Writing and then field any questions that you have. Please come to class prepared to ask him questions about his scholarship, L2 writers, and L2 writing.

Discussion II: Literacy & L2 Writers

During the second half of class, we will discuss the following questions:

  • What is literacy? What does it mean to be literate? What does it mean to be illiterate? Where is the line between literacy and illiteracy? Who chooses this line?
  • What is our role in the writing or language arts classroom?
  • What responsibilities do we have to L2 writing students in our classrooms?