Old Dominion University
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Katharine Kersey



If a student must miss a class, he or she is expected to have the initiative necessary to properly cover the material missed. The student must meet all course deadlines and be present for all tests and examinations. Because much can be learned within the give and take of class discussion, excessive absences (and/or tardiness or leaving class early) will result in a lowered class participation grade.

Contact Information

Email Katharine C. Kersey

Office: 757.683.4121

Fax: 757.683.5593

Office Hours

For ESSE679: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 2:00pm - 4:0pm

Other times by appointment

Policies and Responsibilities


Accommodating Students with Special Learning Needs

Honor Pledge

Standards for Acceptable Work


Curriculum Vita

Personal Information

The 101s: A Guide to Positive Discipline

Early Childhood Alumni Association

Early Childhood MS.Ed. and Ph.D Programs

The Child Development Center

The Lions Child Study Center