Set of programs
- Simple programs: quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0;
- Fibonacci numbers Fibonacci.cpp
- Single root of f(x)=0: Bisectional method
- Single root of f(x)=0: False position method
- Single root of f(x)=0: Secant method
- Single root of f(x)=0: Newton method
- Single root of f(x)=0: Using 4 methods in one place
- Multiple roots of f(x)=0: Brute force method
- Roots for a system of two nonlinear equations f(x,y)=0, g(x,y)=0: Newton method
- Interpolation: Linear interpolation
- Interpolation: Lagrange n-point interpolation (and example)
- Interpolation: Spline interpolation (and example)
- Integration of f(x) on [a,b]: Trapesoid rule
- Integration of f(x) on [a,b]: Simpson's rule
- Integration of f(x) on [a,b]: Newton-Cotes rule (and example)
- Integration. Three methods: trapezoid, Simpson, Quanc8 (Integral3N)
- Integration. Three methods: Adaptive Simpson, adaptive Gauss-Kronrode, Quanc8 (Integral3A)
- Integration of f(x1,x2) using Newton-Cotes rule twice.
- 1D integration using Monte-Carlo method (code and data)
- nD integration using Monte-Carlo method (code and data)
- Ordinary Differential Equations: first order ODE (Euler, modified Euler, 4th order Runge-Kutta)
- Ordinary Differential Equations: second order ODE (Euler, modified Euler, 4th order Runge-Kutta)
- Ordinary Differential Equations: system of N first order equations (4th order Runge-Kutta)
- Sudoku solver sudoku.cpp with input file (sudoku.dat) and a description (sudoku.txt)
Monte Carlo simulation