Cold Plasma for Dental Treatment

Non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasma has emerged as a novel technology for biomedical and environmental applications. The important characteristic of these plasmas is their ability to produce and enhance chemical reactivity with minimal heating. This property is especially attractive for biomedical applications where heat-sensitive tissue is involved.


Related publications:
  1. 1. C. Jiang, M. T. Chen, and M. A. Gundersen, “Polarity-induced asymmetric effects of nanosecond pulsed plasma jets,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (Fast Track Communication), 42, 232002, (2009).
  2. 2. C. Jiang and C. Schaudinn, “A curving bactericidal plasma needle,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2011, 39(11): 2966-2967.
  3. 3. C. Jiang, C. Schaudinn, D. E. Jaramillo, P. Webster, and J. W. Costerton, “In vitro antimicrobial effect of a cold plasma jet against enterococcus faecalis biofilms,” ISRN-Dentistry, 2012: 295736. (2012). doi: 10.5402/2012/295736, PMID: 22461988, PMCID: PMC3302053.
  4. 4. P. P. Sedghizadeh, M.T. Chen, C. Schaudinn, A. Gorur, and C. Jiang, “Inactivation Kinetics Study of an Atmospheric-Pressure Cold Plasma Jet against Pathogenic Microorganisms,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2012, 40(11): 2879-2882. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2012.2213306.
  5. 5. C. Schaudinn, D. Jaramillo, M. Freire, P. P. Sedghizadeh, A. Nguyen, P. Webster, J. W. Costerton, and C. Jiang. “Evaluation of a non-thermal plasma needle to eliminate ex vivo biofilms in root canals of extracted human teeth,” International Endodontic Journal, 2013, 46(10): 930–937. NIHMSID: 444254 (2013).
  6. 6. C. Jiang, C. Schaudinn, D. E. Jaramillo, M. A. Gundersen, and J. W. Costerton, “A sub-microsecond pulsed plasma jet for endodontic biofilm disinfection,” Z. Machala et al. eds. Plasma for Bio-Decontamination, Medicine and Food Security, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2852-3_14, © Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2012.
  7. 7. C. Jiang, “Emerging applications of plasmas in medicine: fashion vs. efficacy,” (Chapter 14) Low Temperature Plasma Technology: Methods and Applications, Eds. P. K. Chu and X. Lu, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press. 2013.