Publications Listed in Chronological Order
"Viscous damping of nonlinear magnetoacoustic
waves" (1975), Astrophysics and Space Science 36, 479-487.
"Steady magnetogravity flow" (1975), Quarterly
Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 28, 397-103.
"Alfven wave reflection
at a density transition region" (1976), Journal of Physics
A: Mathematical and General 9, L193-L194.
"Maximum growth
rates of magnetoatmospheric instabilities" (1977), Astrophysics
and Space Science 47, L5-L7.
"On the occurrence of critical levels in
solar magnetohydrodynamics" (1977), Solar Physics 52, 293-307.
"Hydrodynamic instability of convectively
unstable atmospheres in shear flow" (1977), Astrophysics and Space Science,
50, 493-514.
"Solar magnetoatmospheric waves -a simplified
mathematical treatment". (1977) Astronomy and Astrophysics
60, 171-179.
"Solutions of the inhomogeneous acoustic-gravity
wave equation". (1977), Journal of Physics A: Mathematical
and General, 10, L169-L173.
"Stability of aligned
magnetoatmospheric flow" (1978), J.
Plasma Phys. 19, 77-86.
"Magnetohydrodynamic wave energy flux in a
stratified compressible atmosphere with shear" (1978) Q.J.
Mech. Appl. Math.
31 77-98.
"Evolution in space and time of resonant wave
triads I. the pump-wave approximation". (With A.D.D. Craik)
(1978) Proc.
R. Soc. Lond.
. 363, 243-255.
"Explosive resonant wave interactions in a
three-layer fluid flow". (With A.D.D. Craik) (1979) J. Fluid Mech. 92, 15-33.
"Maximum growth rate of magnetoatmospheric
instabilities. II: Hilbert space approach". (1980 J. Phys. A.
Math. & Gen. 13, 373-378.
"Some wave reflection problems in solar physics".
(1981) The Irish Astronomical Journal, 14, 133-137.
"Eigenvalue bounds in magnetoatmospheric shear
flow". (1980) J. Phys. A. Math. & Gen. 13, 3325-3338.
"Some thoughts on the nature of mathematical
statements". (1981) I.M.A. Bulletin, 17, 21-25.
"Asymptotic solutions and spectral theory
of linear wave equations". (1982) Physics Reports 8 No. 5, 217-316.
"Mechanical wave energy flux in magnetoatmospheres:
discrete and continuous spectra". (1981) Astrophys. Sp. Sci. 78,
293 347.Addendum to the above paper (#18): (1981) Astrophys. Sp. Sci 78, 38-350.
"Note on sigma-stability in hydromagnetics".
(1982) Astrophys. Sp. Sci. 82, 115-121.
"Complex eigenvalue bounds in magnetoatmospheric
shear flow". (1983) (with P.S. Cally), Geophys.Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 23, 57-67.
"Mathematical methods in linear hydrodynamic
stability theory". (1982) Int. J. Math. Ed. Sci.Tech 13, 405-422.
"On a class of atmospheres occurring in stellar
hydrodynamic theory". (1982) Z.A.M.P. 33, 473-486.
"On photospheric and chromospheric penumbral
waves". (With P.S Cally) (1983) Sol. Phys., 85, 97-111.
"Green's functions, complex eigenvalues and
the initial-value problem". (1984) I.M.A. Bulletin, 20, 171-176.
"Some mathematical aspects of wave motion".
(1984) Int. Jnl. Math. Ed Sci. Tech., 15, 719-725.
"On complementary levels of description in
applied mathematics" (1984) Int. Jnl. Math. Ed.Sci. Tech., 15, 672-673.
"The critical layers and other singular regions
in ideal hydrodynamics and MHD". (1984) Astrophys. Sp. Sci., 105, 401-412.
"Magnetoatmospheric waves from a localized
source". (With J.H. Thomas). (1984) Astrophys. Sp. Sci., 106, 125-150.
"On the spectrum of some singular equations
in MHD". (1985) Astrophys. Sp. Sci., 114, 249-258.
"Critical layer singularities and complex
eigenvalues in some differential equations of mathematical physics".
(1986) Physics Reports,
142, 263-356.
"A simplified mathematical model of tumor growth". (1986) Mathematical
Biosciences., 81, 229-244.
"Spectral theory and stability in astrophysics.
I. Ideal MHD". (1986) Astrophys. Sp. Sci. 127, 163-178.
"Spectral theory and stability in astrophysics.
II. Rotating stars". (1986) Astrophys. Sp. Sci., 127, 309-320.
"A linear scattering problem in magnetohydrodynamics:
transmission resonances in a magnetic slab". (1987) Astrophys.
Sp. Sci. 133 317-337
"A mathematical model of tumor growth: II.
Effects of geometry and spatial non-uniformity on stability".
(1987) Math. Biosci., 86,
"A mathematical model of tumor growth: III.
Comparison with experiment". (1987) Math.Biosci.,
86, 213-227.
On complementary levels or description
in applied mathematics. II. Mathematical models in cancer
1988 Int. J. Math. Ed. Sci.
Tech., 19, 519-535.
"On Liouville's equation and its occurrence
in mathematical astrophysics". (1988) Int. J.Math. Ed. Sci. Tech.,
19, 881-890.
"Complementary levels of description in
applied mathematics. III. Equilibrium models of cities". (1988) Math. Comput. Modelling,
10, 321-339.
"Mathematical model of tumor growth by diffusion".
(1988) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on
Mathematical Modelling, St. Louis, 1987. Published in Math.Comput. Modelling,
11, 455-456.
"Integral Invariants and Complex Eigenvalue
Bounds". Applied Math. Lett. ( 1988) 1, 203-206.
"A nonlinear eigenvalue problem in astrophysical
magnetohydrodynamics: some properties of the spectrum". J.
Math. Phys. ( 1989) 30, 744-756.
"Some results on the spectrum of a magnetoatmospheric
wave operator". Applied Math. Lett. (1989)2, 11-14.
"Note on a class of nonlinear time-independent
diffusion equations". (With S.A. Maggelakis), Applied Math. Lett.
(1989) 2, 141-145.
"A Mathematical Model of Tumor Growth. IV.
Effects of a Necrotic Core" (With S.A. Maggelakis), Mathematical Biosci .
97 (1989) 121-136.
"Note on a Diffusion Model of Tissue Growth",
(with S.A. Maggelakis), Applied Math. Lett.3 (1990)
"A Mathematical Model of Preascular
Growth of a Spherical Carcinoma" (with S.A. Maggelakis), Math. Comput. Modelling 1990
5 13, 2338.
"Diffusion Regulated Growth
Characteristics of A Prevascular Carcinoma" (with
S.A. Maggelakis), Bull. Math. Biology.
1990, 52 549-582
"An Initial-Value Problem
for Magnetoatmospheric Waves. I. Theory". Wave
Motion 1990, 12 385-399.
"A Generalization of a Solvable
Model in Population Dynamics", (with G. DeRise), J.
Phys.:Math. & Gen. (1990),
"Diffusion Models of Prevascular
and Vascular Tumor Growth: A Review". Lecture
Notes inPure and Applied Mathematics,
1991, Vol.131, Chapter 41, p.625-642 (Marcel
Dekker, Inc.).
"Self-Activation and Inhibition:
Simple Nonlinear Model". Appl. Math. Letters,
4, 2 (1991), 85-87.
"Self-Activation and Inhibition: The
Effect of a Zero-Flux Boundary", Appl. Math. Letters,
4, 3 (1991) 45-47.
"Activator-Inhibitor Control of Tissue
Growth". SIAM Review, 33, (1991), 462-466
"Solution Uniqueness and Stability Criteria
for a Model of Growth Factor Production", Appl.Math. Letters,
5 (1992) 89-92.
"The Dynamics of Growth Factor-Modified
Immune Response to Cancer Growth: One-Dimensional Models",
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 17 (1993), 83-106.
"The Scattering Potential for a Polytrope
of Degree n=5". Appl. Math. Letters, 6, #4 (1993)
9-1 1 .
"Scattering Parameters for an Epstein Profile
in a Half-Space", Appl. Math. Letters, 6, #4, (1993),
"Propagation of Magnetoacoustic-Gravity
Waves in a Horizontally Stratified Medium: IV. Kinematics". Astrophys. Sp. Sci.
202 (1993), 259-271. (With I.
"Equilibrium Model of a Vascularized Spherical
Carcinoma with Central Necrosis: Some Properties of the Solution". J.
Math. Biol.
31 (1993), 735-745. (With R. Noren).
"Non-Radial Stellar Oscillations from
the Perspective of Potential Scattering Theory: Theoretical
Aspects." Astrophys. Sp. Sci.
220 (1994), 179-233.
"Mathematical Model of Cycle-Specific
Chemotherapy" (With Carl Panetta). Mathematicaland Computer Modelling 22
(1995), 67-82.
"A Simple Mathematical Model and Alternative
Paradigm for Certain Chemotherapeutic Regimens." (With Carl
Panetta). Mathematical
and Computer Modelling, 22 (1995), 49-60.
"Educated Guesses". Quantum – A
Journal of Mathematics and Science. Sept/Oct. 1995.
"The Effects of Vascularization on Lymphocyte-Tumor
Cell Dynamics: Qualitative Features", Math. Comp. Modelling 23 (1996), 1-10.
"General Aspects of Modeling Tumor Growth
and Immune Response", Chapter 2 in the book cited below(Adam & Bellomo, Eds.)
“Mathematical Models of Spheroid Growth and Catastrophe-Theoretic
Description of Rapid Metastatic
Growth/Remission”, Invasion & Metastasis, 16 (1996), 247-267.
“N-Space, Dimensional Interface Phenomena
and an Adventure in Flatland”, Hyperspace, 5(1996), 10-23.
“Scattering from Stellar Acoustic-Gravity
Potentials: II. Phase Shifts via the First Born Approximation”,
(with Iain McKaig), Appl. Math. Lett., 10 (1997), 39-42.
“Limiting Spheroid Size as a Function of
Growth Factor Source Location”, (with Kim Ward), Appl. Math. Lett., 10 (1997), 43-46.
“Post-Surgical Passive Response of Local
Environment to Primary Tumor Removal”, (with Carryn Bellomo), Math. Comp. Modelling, 25 (1997), 7-17.
“The Pekeris Waveguide: A Case Study in
Classical Applied Mathematics”, Math. Meth. Mod. App. Sci., 8 (1998), 157-186.
“ (A Note on)2 the Shape of
the Erythrocyte”, Math. Comp. Modeling, 27 (1998),
“Post-Surgical Passive Response of Local
Environment to Primary Tumor Removal. II. Heterogeneous
Environment”, (with Carryn Bellomo), Math. Meth. Mod. Appl.
Sci. 9 (1999), 617-626.
“The Mathematical Modeling of Cancer: A Review”,
(with Carl Panetta and Mark Chaplain), Conference
Proceedings, 281-310, 1999,Vanderbilt University Press.
“A Simplified Model of Wound Healing,
with particular reference to the Critical Size Defect: One-dimensional
model.” Math. Comp. Mod. 30 (1999), 23-32.
“A Simplified Model
of Wound Healing, with particular reference to the Critical
Size Defect: Two-dimensional model.” Math. Comp. Mod.
30 (1999), 47-60. (with J.S. Arnold)
“A mathematical model of wound healing in
bone.” In the Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Mathematics
and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS ’00),
p.97-103, Las Vegas, June 2000.
“Nutrient concentration in and around a vascularized tumor with a necrotic
core.” (With Carryn Bellomo). In the Proceedings of the 2000 International
Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological
Sciences (METMBS ’00), p.105-110, Las Vegas, June 2000.
“The Mathematical
Physics of Rainbows and Glories”. Physics Reports 356 (Nos.
4-5) (2002), 229-366.
“Healing times for
circular wounds on plane and spherical bone surfaces”. Applied
Mathematics Letters, 15 (2002), 55-58.
“The effect of surface
curvature on wound healing in bone”. Applied Mathematics
Letters, 15 (2002), 59-62.
“The effect of surface
curvature on wound healing in bone: II. The critical size defect”. Mathematical
and Computer Modelling, 35 (2002), 085-1094.
- “Like
a bridge over colored water: a mathematical review of The Rainbow
Bridge: Rainbows in Art, Myth and Science” by R. Lee and
A. Fraser, Notices
of the AMS, Dec. 2002, 49 (No. 11), 1360-1371.
Models of Tumors and Their Remote Metastases”; C. Bellomo,
J.A. Adam. In Computational Methods in Biophysics, Biomaterials,
Biotechnology and Medical Systems: Algorithm Development,
Mathematical Analysis and Diagnostics, published by Kluwer Press,
models of tumor growth: from empirical description to biologicalmechanism”,
in vol. 537 of Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology, entitled Mathematical Modeling in Nutrition and
the Health
Sciences (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers,
“Inside mathematical modeling: building models
in the context of wound healing in bone “
in Discrete
and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 4 (2004), 1-24.
- "Flowers of Ice - Beauty, Symmetry, and Complexity: A Review of The Snowflake: Winter's Secret Beauty." Notices of the AmericanMathematical Society, 52, #4, 402-416 (2005).
- "A simplified model for growth factor induced healing of circular wounds" Mathematical & Computer Modeling, 44(2006), 887-898. (Co-authors Fred VErmolen and Esther Van Baaren.)
- "On Rainbows from Inhomogeneous Transparent Spheres: A Ray-Theoretic Approach.” (With Philip Laven), Applied Optics, 46 (2007), 922-929.
- F.J. Vermolen, W.G. van Rossum, E. Javierre and J.A. Adam. Modeling of self-healing of skin tissue. In: Self-healing materials: an alternative approach to 20 centuries of materials science, Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2007.
- F.J. Vermolen and J.A. Adam. A finite element model for epidermal wound healing involving angiogenesis. Proceedings of the ICCS conference, Springer-Verlag, Beijing, China, 2007. Proceedings part I, Edited by Y. Shi, G.D. van Albada, J. Dongarra and P.M.A. Sloot, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2007
- F.J. Vermolen, W.G. van Rossum, E. Javierre and J.A. Adam. A numerical model for epidermal wound healing. Proceedings of the ECCOMAS conference on Coupled Problems, Ibiza, Spain, 2007.
- “Rainbows, Geometrical Optics, and a Generalization of a result of Huygens”, Applied Optics, 47, H11 - H13.
- “A Two-Population Insurgency In Colombia: Quasi-Predator-Prey Models -- A Trend Towards Simplicity” (with John A. Sokolowski and Catherine M. Banks); Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 49 (2009),p. 1115–1126.”
- A review of Street-Fighting Mathematics: The Art of Educated Guessing and Opportunistic Problem Solving by Sanjoy Manahan, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA., in The American Journal of Physics, 78 (2010), 1230-1232.
- "Blood Vessel Branching: Going Beyond the Standard Calculus Problem", Mathematics Magazine, 84 (2011), 196 – 207.
- "Zero-order bows in radially inhomogeneous spheres: direct and inverse problems." Applied Optics, 50 (2011) F50 - F59.
- "Putting the X in Biology: A Review of The Mathematics of Life by Ian Stewart." Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 58 (2011), 1572-1578.
- A review of A Wealth of Numbers: An Anthology of 500 years of Popular Mathematics Writing, edited by Benjamin Wardhaugh. American Journal of Physics (August 2012) volume 80(8), 745-746.
- 'Rainbows' in homogeneous and radially inhomogeneous spheres: connections with ray, wave and potential scattering theory. Mathematical & Statistical Research with Applications to Physical & Life Sciences, Engineering & Technology. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 37, 2013.
- "Electromagnetic and Potential Scattering from a Radially Inhomogeneous Sphere" 2013; co-author: Umaporn Nuntaplook,
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