ENGL671: Phonology
3 Semester Credits
Tuesday 4:20pm - 7:00pm
Batten Arts and Letters, Room 216
This course will include an examination of the sound systems of natural languages with an emphasis on teaching pronunciation. The class will include phonetics, but will also explore current some theoretical issues in phonology.
ENGL 540 General Linguistics or permission of instructor. Students should be able to write English phonemically and should know the points and manners of articulation before taking this class.
Course Objectives
Students will learn how sound systems are organized, with emphasis on the phonology of English. In addition to mastering fundamental concepts of phonetics and phonology, students will:
- read and write phonetic and phonemic notation for transcribing any language;
- compare aspects of English phonology to other languages;
- investigate prosodic systems (stress, accent, tone, intonation, etc.);
- describe phonological processes in the world's languages;
- write pronunciation exercises and lessons based on phonological data or descriptions.