Recent Publications & Presentations
publications in inSPIRE HEP database: refereed publication list , citation summary , non-refereed

"An a0 resonance in strongly coupled πη, KK scattering from lattice QCD”
J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards & D.J. Wilson
arXiv1602.05122 [hep-ph]
“Hadron spectroscopy and QCD”
Jefferson Lab Theory Center Seminar, Jan 2016
"The elusive excited glue of QCD"
William and Mary Physics Department Colloquium, Jan 2016
Jefferson Lab Theory Center Seminar, Jan 2016
"The elusive excited glue of QCD"
William and Mary Physics Department Colloquium, Jan 2016

"The resonant πγ→ππ amplitude from Quantum Chromodynamics ”
R.A. Briceno, J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards, C.J. Shultz, C.E. Thomas & D.J. Wilson
Phys.Rev.Lett 115 242001 (2015)
arXiv:1507.06622 [hep-ph]

"Coupled ππ, KK scattering in P-wave and the ρ resonance from lattice QCD”
D.J. Wilson, R.A. Briceno, J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards & C.E. Thomas
Phys.Rev. D92 094502 (2015)
arXiv:1507.02599 [hep-ph]

"Excited meson radiative transitions from lattice QCD using variationally optimized operators”
C.J. Shultz, J.J. Dudek & R.G. Edwards
Phys.Rev. D91 114501 (2015)
arXiv:1501.07457 [hep-lat]

"Resonances in coupled πK, ηK scattering from lattice QCD”
D.J. Wilson, J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards & C.E. Thomas
Phys.Rev. D91 054008 (2015)
arXiv:1411.2004 [hep-ph]
“Hadron scattering and resonances from QCD”
INT workshop, “Modern Exotic Hadrons”, Seattle, WA, Nov 2015
“Hadron scattering and resonances from QCD”
XVI Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, Newport News, VA, Sept 2015
“Hadron resonances from QCD (?)”
2015 International Summer School on Reaction Theory, Bloomington, IN, June 2015
“Hadron resonances from QCD”
21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Chicago, IL, May 2015
“The excited hadron spectrum from lattice QCD”
Bound States in QCD & Beyond, St Goar, Germany, March 2015
INT workshop, “Modern Exotic Hadrons”, Seattle, WA, Nov 2015
“Hadron scattering and resonances from QCD”
XVI Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, Newport News, VA, Sept 2015
“Hadron resonances from QCD (?)”
2015 International Summer School on Reaction Theory, Bloomington, IN, June 2015
“Hadron resonances from QCD”
21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Chicago, IL, May 2015
“The excited hadron spectrum from lattice QCD”
Bound States in QCD & Beyond, St Goar, Germany, March 2015

"Resonances in coupled πK, ηK scattering from quantum chromodynamics"
J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards, C.E. Thomas & D.J. Wilson
Phys.Rev.Lett 113 182001 (2014)
arXiv:1406.4158 [hep-ph]
“Coupled πK/ηK scattering from QCD”
Jefferson Lab Theory Center Seminar, October 2014
“New Hadrons from Lattice QCD”
4th Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the APS and the Phys. Soc. of Japan, Hawaii, October 2014
“Hadron Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD”
Advances and perspectives in computational nuclear physics, Hawaii, October 2014
"Overview of lattice spectroscopy and the connection to experiments"
USQCD All-Hands Meeting, Jefferson Lab, April 2014
"The elusive excited glue of QCD"
Indiana University Physics Department Colloquium, Bloomington, IN, Feb 2014
"Lattice QCD update"
GlueX Collaboration Meeting, Jefferson Lab, Feb 2014
Jefferson Lab Theory Center Seminar, October 2014
“New Hadrons from Lattice QCD”
4th Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the APS and the Phys. Soc. of Japan, Hawaii, October 2014
“Hadron Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD”
Advances and perspectives in computational nuclear physics, Hawaii, October 2014
"Overview of lattice spectroscopy and the connection to experiments"
USQCD All-Hands Meeting, Jefferson Lab, April 2014
"The elusive excited glue of QCD"
Indiana University Physics Department Colloquium, Bloomington, IN, Feb 2014
"Lattice QCD update"
GlueX Collaboration Meeting, Jefferson Lab, Feb 2014

"Toward the excited isoscalar meson spectrum from lattice QCD"
J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards, Peng Guo & C.E. Thomas
Phys.Rev. D88 094505 (2013)
arXiv:1309.2608 [hep-lat]

"Coupled channel scattering on a torus"
Peng Guo, J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards & A.P. Szczepaniak
Phys.Rev. D88 014501 (2013)
arXiv:1211.0929 [hep-lat]

"Energy dependence of the ρ resonance in ππ elastic scattering from lattice QCD"
J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards & C.E. Thomas
Phys.Rev. D87 034505 (2013)
arXiv:1212.0830 [hep-ph]
"Hadron resonances from QCD ?"
Florida State University Physics Department Nuclear Seminar, Tallahassee, FL, Nov 2013
"The elusive excited glue of QCD"
Florida State University Physics Department Colloquium, Tallahassee, FL, Nov 2013
"Understanding the hadron spectrum from QCD"
Genova University Physics Department and INFN Seminar, Genova, Italy, Oct 2013
"Gluonic excitations in the hadronic spectrum"
MENU 2013, Meson-Nucleon Physics and the structure of the Nucleon, Rome, Italy, Sept 2013
"Hadron resonances from QCD?"
Hall-B/Physics Analysis Center Meeting, Jefferson Lab, Sept 2013
“Understanding the hadron spectrum in QCD" and
“Hadron scattering amplitudes from lattice QCD"
ATHOS 2013, Kloster Seeon, Germany, May 2013
“Gluonic excitations in QCD"
MIT LNS Colloquium, MIT, Cambridge MA, Apr 2013
Florida State University Physics Department Nuclear Seminar, Tallahassee, FL, Nov 2013
"The elusive excited glue of QCD"
Florida State University Physics Department Colloquium, Tallahassee, FL, Nov 2013
"Understanding the hadron spectrum from QCD"
Genova University Physics Department and INFN Seminar, Genova, Italy, Oct 2013
"Gluonic excitations in the hadronic spectrum"
MENU 2013, Meson-Nucleon Physics and the structure of the Nucleon, Rome, Italy, Sept 2013
"Hadron resonances from QCD?"
Hall-B/Physics Analysis Center Meeting, Jefferson Lab, Sept 2013
“Understanding the hadron spectrum in QCD" and
“Hadron scattering amplitudes from lattice QCD"
ATHOS 2013, Kloster Seeon, Germany, May 2013
“Gluonic excitations in QCD"
MIT LNS Colloquium, MIT, Cambridge MA, Apr 2013

"Excited and exotic charmonium spectroscopy from lattice QCD"
L. Liu, G. Moir, M.J. Peardon, S.M. Ryan, C.E. Thomas, P. Vilaseca, J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards, B. Joo & D.G. Richards
JHEP 07 (2012) 126
arXiv:1204.5425 [hep-ph]

"S and D-wave phase shifts in isospin-2 ππ scattering from lattice QCD"
J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards & C.E. Thomas
Phys.Rev. D86 034031 (2012)
arXiv:1203.6041 [hep-ph]

"Hybrid Baryons in QCD"
J.J. Dudek & R.G. Edwards
Phys.Rev. D85 054016 (2012)
arXiv:1201.2349 [hep-ph]
“Advances in Meson Spectroscopy"
7th LNF Mini-workshop series: JLab at 12 GeV: New opportunities in hadronic physics - INFN Frascati, Italy, Dec 2012
“Meson Spectroscopy & GlueX"
Presentation to NSAC subcommittee,
Rockville, MD, Sep 2012
“The elusive excited glue of Quantum Chromodynamics"
Old Dominion University Physics Dept. Colloquium,
ODU, Aug 2012
“Meson spectra from lattice QCD"
Seventh International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics,
Jefferson Lab, Aug 2012
“The Hadron Spectrum from Lattice QCD"
Fourth Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities in US,
KITPC, Beijing, China, Jul 2012
“The Hadron Spectrum from Lattice QCD"
From nucleon structure to nuclear structure and compact astrophysical objects,
KITPC, Beijing, China, Jul 2012
“π π Scattering"
The 4th International Workshop on Lattice Hadron Physics, Adelaide, Australia, Jul 2012
“Spectroscopy Overview"
The 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Cairns, Australia, Jun 2012
“Lattice QCD and the Hadron Spectrum"
Jefferson Lab, VA, Jun 2012
“Lattice QCD and the Hadron Spectrum"
Jefferson Lab Advanced Study Institute,
Williamsburg, VA, Jun 2012
“Gluonic excitations in QCD"
Argonne Physics Division Colloquium,
Argonne National Lab, IL, Mar 2012
“The role of gluonic excitations in the hadron spectrum - a view from lattice QCD"
Workshop on Confinement Physics,
Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, Mar 2012
“Gluonic Excitations in QCD"
U. Maryland Physics Seminar,
College Park, MD, Feb 2012
7th LNF Mini-workshop series: JLab at 12 GeV: New opportunities in hadronic physics - INFN Frascati, Italy, Dec 2012
“Meson Spectroscopy & GlueX"
Presentation to NSAC subcommittee,
Rockville, MD, Sep 2012
“The elusive excited glue of Quantum Chromodynamics"
Old Dominion University Physics Dept. Colloquium,
ODU, Aug 2012
“Meson spectra from lattice QCD"
Seventh International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics,
Jefferson Lab, Aug 2012
“The Hadron Spectrum from Lattice QCD"
Fourth Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities in US,
KITPC, Beijing, China, Jul 2012
“The Hadron Spectrum from Lattice QCD"
From nucleon structure to nuclear structure and compact astrophysical objects,
KITPC, Beijing, China, Jul 2012
“π π Scattering"
The 4th International Workshop on Lattice Hadron Physics, Adelaide, Australia, Jul 2012
“Spectroscopy Overview"
The 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Cairns, Australia, Jun 2012
“Lattice QCD and the Hadron Spectrum"
Jefferson Lab, VA, Jun 2012
“Lattice QCD and the Hadron Spectrum"
Jefferson Lab Advanced Study Institute,
Williamsburg, VA, Jun 2012
“Gluonic excitations in QCD"
Argonne Physics Division Colloquium,
Argonne National Lab, IL, Mar 2012
“The role of gluonic excitations in the hadron spectrum - a view from lattice QCD"
Workshop on Confinement Physics,
Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, Mar 2012
“Gluonic Excitations in QCD"
U. Maryland Physics Seminar,
College Park, MD, Feb 2012

"Helicity operators for mesons in flight on the lattice"
C.E. Thomas, R.G. Edwards & J.J. Dudek
Phys.Rev. D85 014507 (2012)
arXiv:1107.1930 [hep-lat]

"The lightest hybrid meson supermultiplet in QCD"
J.J. Dudek
Phys.Rev. D84 074023 (2011)
arXiv:1106.5515 [hep-ph]

"Excited state baryon spectroscopy from lattice QCD"
J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards, D.G. Richards & S.J. Wallace
Phys.Rev. D84 074508 (2011)
arXiv:1104.5152 [hep-ph]

"Isoscalar meson spectroscopy from lattice QCD"
J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards, B. Joo, D.G. Richards, C.E. Thomas & M.J. Peardon
Phys.Rev. D83 111502 (2011)
arXiv:1102.4299 [hep-lat]
“Gluonic Hadrons"
LBNL Seminar,
Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, CA, Oct 2011
“Hybrid Baryons"
GlueX Collaboration Meeting,
Jefferson Lab, Oct 2011
“Does QCD predict light hybrid mesons?"
JLab Annual Users' Group Meeting,
Jefferson Lab, June 2011
“Meson Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD"
April Meeting of the American Physical Society,
Anaheim, CA, April 2011
“Meson Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD"
Fourth workshop of the Topical Group on Hadronic Physics
Anaheim, CA, April 2011
“Meson & Baryon Spectroscopy from LQCD"
CLAS12 European Workshop
Paris, France, March 2011
“Meson & Baryon Spectroscopy from LQCD"
Excited Hadronic States & the Deconfinement Transition
Jefferson Lab, February 2011
“Lattice QCD update"
GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Jefferson Lab, February 2011
LBNL Seminar,
Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, CA, Oct 2011
“Hybrid Baryons"
GlueX Collaboration Meeting,
Jefferson Lab, Oct 2011
“Does QCD predict light hybrid mesons?"
JLab Annual Users' Group Meeting,
Jefferson Lab, June 2011
“Meson Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD"
April Meeting of the American Physical Society,
Anaheim, CA, April 2011
“Meson Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD"
Fourth workshop of the Topical Group on Hadronic Physics
Anaheim, CA, April 2011
“Meson & Baryon Spectroscopy from LQCD"
CLAS12 European Workshop
Paris, France, March 2011
“Meson & Baryon Spectroscopy from LQCD"
Excited Hadronic States & the Deconfinement Transition
Jefferson Lab, February 2011
“Lattice QCD update"
GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Jefferson Lab, February 2011

“The phase-shift of isospin-2 ππ scattering from lattice QCD”
J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards, D.G. Richards, C.E. Thomas & M.J. Peardon
Phys.Rev.D83 071504 (2011)
arXiv:1101.6352 [hep-ph]

“Toward the excited meson spectrum of dynamical QCD”
J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards, D.G. Richards, C.E. Thomas & M.J. Peardon
Phys.Rev.D82 034508 (2010)
arXiv:1004.4930 [hep-ph]
“Modelling the hybrid spectrum"
GlueX collaboration meeting,
Regina, Sept 2010
“Lattice QCD update"
GlueX collaboration meeting,
Jefferson Lab, May 2010
“Theory Overview : How do we connect the theory of QCD to spectroscopy"
GlueX graduate student workshop,
Jefferson Lab, May 2010
“Exotic Mesons”
12th Int. Conf. on Meson-Nucleon Physics & Structure of the Nucleon
College of William & Mary, May 2010
“Physics at GlueX”
Workshop on Hadron Resonances ...
Jefferson Lab, May 2010
“Lattice Update”
GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Jefferson Lab, May 2010
“QCD & Spectroscopy”
GlueX Grad Student Workshop
Jefferson Lab, May 2010
“Hadron Spectroscopy from QCD”
Physics Division Seminar
Jefferson Lab, March 2010
“Lattice Update”
GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Jefferson Lab, January 2010
GlueX collaboration meeting,
Regina, Sept 2010
“Lattice QCD update"
GlueX collaboration meeting,
Jefferson Lab, May 2010
“Theory Overview : How do we connect the theory of QCD to spectroscopy"
GlueX graduate student workshop,
Jefferson Lab, May 2010
“Exotic Mesons”
12th Int. Conf. on Meson-Nucleon Physics & Structure of the Nucleon
College of William & Mary, May 2010
“Physics at GlueX”
Workshop on Hadron Resonances ...
Jefferson Lab, May 2010
“Lattice Update”
GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Jefferson Lab, May 2010
“QCD & Spectroscopy”
GlueX Grad Student Workshop
Jefferson Lab, May 2010
“Hadron Spectroscopy from QCD”
Physics Division Seminar
Jefferson Lab, March 2010
“Lattice Update”
GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Jefferson Lab, January 2010

“Highly excited and exotic meson spectrum from dynamical lattice QCD”
J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards, D.G. Richards, C.E. Thomas & M.J. Peardon
Phys.Rev.Lett 103 262001 (2009)
arXiv:0909.0200 [hep-ph]

“A novel quark-field creation operator construction for hadronic physics in lattice QCD”
M.J. Peardon, J. Bulava, J. Foley, C. Morningstar, J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards, B. Joo, H-W. Lin, D.G. Richards, K.J. Juge
Phys.Rev.D80 054506 (2009)
arXiv:0905.2160 [hep-lat]

“Exotic and excited-state radiative transitions in charmonium from lattice QCD”
J.J. Dudek, R. G. Edwards & C.E. Thomas
Phys.Rev.D79 094504 (2009)
arXiv:0902.2241 [hep-ph]

“First results from 2+1 dynamical quark flavors on an anisotropic lattice: light-hadron spectroscopy and setting the strange-quark mass”
H-W. Lin, S.D. Cohen, J.J. Dudek, R.G. Edwards, B. Joo, D.G. Richards, J. Bulava, J. Foley, C. Morningstar, E. Engelson, S. Wallace, K.J. Juge, N. Mathur, M.J. Peardon, S.J. Ryan
Phys.Rev.D79 034502 (2009)
arXiv:0810.3588 [hep-lat]
“Meson spectroscopy and lattice QCD”
INT workshop on Hadron Spectroscopy
The Jefferson Laboratory Upgrade to 12 GeV
INT, U. Washington, Seattle, November 2009
“The single particle meson spectrum”
“Meson radiative transitions”
Workshop on Hadron Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD
TRIUMF, Vanvouver, BC, Canada, November 2009
“Lattice Simulations”
GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Carnegie Mellon, September 2009
"Excited Charmonium and radiative transitions from lattice QCD"
447th Wilhelm & Else Heraeus Seminar : Charmed Exotics
Bad Honnef, Germany, August 2009
“Excited state meson spectra and matrix elements from lattice QCD”
“QCD Bound States : Methods and Properties”
Argonne National Lab Theory Workshop
ANL, Illinois, June 2009
“Radiative Transitions for Mesons”
CIPANP (Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics)
San Diego, May 2009
“Meson Spectrum and Coupling to Photons from Lattice QCD”
Third Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics
Denver, May 2009
“Lattice QCD Update”
GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Jefferson Lab, May 2009
INT workshop on Hadron Spectroscopy
The Jefferson Laboratory Upgrade to 12 GeV
INT, U. Washington, Seattle, November 2009
“The single particle meson spectrum”
“Meson radiative transitions”
Workshop on Hadron Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD
TRIUMF, Vanvouver, BC, Canada, November 2009
“Lattice Simulations”
GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Carnegie Mellon, September 2009
"Excited Charmonium and radiative transitions from lattice QCD"
447th Wilhelm & Else Heraeus Seminar : Charmed Exotics
Bad Honnef, Germany, August 2009
“Excited state meson spectra and matrix elements from lattice QCD”
“QCD Bound States : Methods and Properties”
Argonne National Lab Theory Workshop
ANL, Illinois, June 2009
“Radiative Transitions for Mesons”
CIPANP (Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics)
San Diego, May 2009
“Meson Spectrum and Coupling to Photons from Lattice QCD”
Third Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics
Denver, May 2009
“Lattice QCD Update”
GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Jefferson Lab, May 2009
2008 & earlier
(nearly) complete publication record from inSPIRE