January |
Sonata Allegro Form Exposition: two tonal regions first, establishment of home tonality, then a modulation through a bridge/transition passage to the second tonal region Development: characterized by frequent modulation and thematic fragmentation Recapitulation: restablish home; secondary tonal region now brought back in the tonic key
Sonata Rondo Form ABACABA (remember the relationship to Sonata Allegro Form--C functions as a Development
March |
(don't forget to review Music of the Classical Era; remember: Exam II is comprehensive)
Program Music: instrumental/orchestral music which creates an extra-musical association such as a story or idea a) idee fixe: recurrent theme b) thematic transformation: compositional device used to alter the program or concept associated with the idee fixe Absolute Music: the interaction of the elements of music (especially form) Johannes Brahms: four magnificent symphonies of absolute music |