blackboard resources
last.updated 1.12.09

Today you will be introduced to the course and given the opportunity to start pondering and articulating your stance on the issues facing composition studies in the near future.
FreeWrite and Discussion I
Computers can... /Computers cannot...
- Introduce course
- Instructor Introduction
- Student Introduction
- Calendar
- Readings
- Resources
- Rhetoric Clif Notes
Discussion II: Developing a Cyberculture
We will first discuss your responses to the prompt at the beginning of the class. Then we will watch three selections...
- The Animatrix
- .hack//SIGN
- Courage the Cowardly Dog
After watching these selections, we will discuss how the technology gets represented in the texts by asking...
- what technologies does get represented in this text?
- what does the text say about the technologies' capabilities? what does the text say about humans' capabilities? what is the relationship between the technology and humans?
- what is the technologies' relationship to power in the text? do they have power in and of themselves? do they enhance power?
- what is being emphasized, the hardware or the software?
- describe the people using the technology, as well as those not using, afraid of, uncertain, or ignorant of the technology
- ask other questions of the text that are relevant to helping you understand this specific work
