Name: Katharine Clark Kersey Business Address: Child Study Center Old Dominion University Norfolk, Virginia 23529 Home Address: 3805 Shoreline Drive Portsmouth, Virginia 23703 Spouse: Dr. L. Wilbur Kersey Children: Dr. Barbara Kersey, David C. Kersey, J. Marc Kersey Grandchildren: Hannah Leigh Steinhauer, Benjamin D. Steinhauer, Kellen M. Kersey, Keaton Kersey Telephone (work) 757 683-4121 Telephone (home) 757 484-7869
1955-1956 Westhampton College B.A. in Sociology 1968-1969 Old Dominion University M.S. - Early Childhood Education 1972-1973 University of Virginia Ed.D.- Early Childhood Education
Area of Specialization and Licensure
Early Childhood Education
Professional Experience
- 1985 - Present Old Dominion University, Professor, Chairperson, Department of Early Childhood, Speech Language Pathology and Graduate Program Director
- 1994 - Present Director, Old Dominion University’s Child Development Center
- 1980 - 1985 Old Dominion University, Professor, Graduate Program Director
- 1973 - 1980 Old Dominion University, Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director
- 1975 - Present Director, Old Dominion University’s Preschool/Kindergarten Program
- 1969 - 1973 Old Dominion University, Instructor
- 1969 (Summer) Instructor - Hampton University
- 1966 - 1969 Portsmouth City Schools - Elementary teacher
- 1966 - present Consultant - Court Street Academy
- 1963 - 1966 Court Street Academy - Director and teacher
Honors and Recognitions
- 2005 SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award winner
- 1998 University Professor for Outstanding Teaching Performance Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
- 1998 Award for Outstanding Service to Young Children in Virginia, Virginia Association for Early Childhood Association
- 1997 Outstanding Woman of Hampton Roads - Folio Magazine
- 1997 Invited Guest to speak at the Million Dollar Roundtable, Atlanta, Georgia
- 1994 Darden College of Education Scholarship Award, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
- 1992 Darden College of Education Scholarship Award, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
- 1992 Outstanding Woman of Hampton Roads - Folio Magazine
- 1991 Outstanding Professional Woman, Business Community of Hampton Roads
- 1990 University Nominee - SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
- 1989 University Nominee - SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
- 1987 Award for Distinguished Service, Alumni of the University of Richmond, Richmond, VA.
- 1984 Alan Rufus Tonelson Distinguished Faculty Award, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
- 1983 Distinguished Alumna Award - Westhampton College, Richmond, VA.
Membership in Professional Societies
- 1972 - 1976 Educational consultant - Riverview School for Learning Disabled Children, Portsmouth, VA.
- 1973 - 1980 Board of Directors of Portsmouth Community Concert Association
- 1974 - 1976 Vice President of Early Childhood Division of the Virginia Education Association
- 1975 - present National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
- 1975 - present Southern Association for Children Under Six (SACUS)
- 1975 - present Virginian Assoication for Education of Young Children (VAEYC)
- 1975 - present Tidewater Association for Early Childhood Education (TAECE)
- 1980 - 1990 Board of Directors of the Tidewater Child Care Association
- 1982 - present Portsmouth Service League
- 1982 - 1987 Delta Kappa Gamma (Honorary Society for Women Educators)
- 1985 - 1992 Tidewater Advisory Board for the Prevention of Child Abuse
- 1987 - 1994 Advisory Board - Tidewater Community College Early Childhood)
- 1990 - 1991 Virginia Dept. For Children - appointed by the governor
- 1991 - 1992 Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - State Board
- 1990 - present Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Publications and Professional Activites
- Kersey, Katharine C. - “Urban Assistance Incentive Fund,” $18,000 grant from Norfolk Urban League - 1974
- Kersey, Katharine C. - “Position Paper for Early Childhood Education,” read at Spring Early Childhood state conference - 1975
Kersey, Katharine C. - “How To Rasie Children Successfully,” ODU Magazine - Fall 1975
- Kersey, Katharine C. - “Young Children’s Learning States Deserve Teachers’ Planning Time, Virginia Journal of Education, Sept. 1976
- Kersey, Katharine C. - “Model Program for Early Education for Handicapped Children,” $67,283 from HEW and $50,306 in matching funds from ODU - co-direcor - 1976-1979
- Kersey, Katharine & Carole Whitener, “A Purple Hippopotamus? Why Not!” Childhood Education, Vol. 57, 1980
- Kersey, Katharine, “Raising Children (And Parents, Too)” - newspaper column
Virginian-Pilot Ledger Star, Norfolk, Va. (1975-1987) The column appeared in the following newspapers for various lengths of time:
- The Courier-Record, Blackstone, Va.
- The News Messenger, Blacksburg, Va.
- Winchester Evening Star, Winchester, Va.
- The Post, Big Stone Gap, Va.
- Henry County Journal, Collinsville, Va.
- The Danville Register, Danville, Va.
- News-Herald, Suffolk, Va.
- The Southside Sun, Emporia, Va.
- The Martinsville Bulletin, Martinsville, Va.
- Roanoke Times & World-News, Roanoke, Va.
- Katharine C. Kersey, The Parents’ Role in Sex Education, A Leader’s Manual. Chapter on “Teaching Sexuality in the Home.” published by the Consultation and Education Unit, Comprehensive Mental Health Services, Virginia Beach, Virginia, l980
- Katharine C. Kersey, “USAM,” 11-week series on nationally syndicated morning talk show - Christian Broadcasting Network - 1982
- Katharine C. Kersey, “Military Daddy: Now You See Him, Now You Don’t,” Ladycom, June 1982
- Reviewer for Annual Editions, Early Childhood Education, Dushkin Publishers - since 1982
- Katharine C. Kersey, “A Parent by Marriage: Living in Step,” Ladycom, February 1983
- Katharine C. Kersey, “Return and Reunion,” - videotape for Navy Family Services on military separations - 1983
- Katharine C. Kersey, Dimensions for Growing Up. Contributing author. This book was published under a grant from the Tidewater Children’s Foundation - 1983
- Katharine C. Kersey, “Caring for Children,” WHRO-TV - Co-director in the development of a TV series for parents and child caregivers on public TV - 1983
- Katharine C. Kersey, “The Vital Decade,” WHRO-TV - Co-director and in the development of a TV series for parents and child caregivers on public TV - 1984
- Katharine C. Kersey, The Art of Sensitive Parenting, Berkley Publishers - 1985
- Katharine C. Kersey, “Fostering Your Child’s Independence,” Better Homes & Gardens, March 1986
- Katharine C. Kersey, Successful Parenting, set of 16 audio tapes and workbook,
SyberVision Systems, Inc. - 1987
- Katharine C. Kersey, Helping Your Child Cope With Stress, Berkley Publishers - 1987
- Katharine C. Kersey, “Dear Zoom,” weekly column appearing in the Virginian- Pilot/Ledger Star (1988-1992) - answering questions from children
- Katharine C. Kersey, “Teen Column,” weekly column appearing in the Virginian-Pilot/Ledger Star (1988-1992) - interviews with teens
- Invited to speak to House Education Committee and the Education Committee of the Senate
- General Assembly of Virginia--Richmond, Va. - addressing the abolishment of corporal punishment in the schools - 1989
- Katharine C. Kersey, Don’t Take It Out On Your Kids, Berkley Publishers - 1990
Bosch, Karen & Katharine Kersey, The First Year Teacher, National Education Association - 1995 (currently in revision)
- Katharine C. Kersey, Go Hampton Roads, weekly column on parenting, since July 1998
- Frequent guest on all local TV stations (WAVY, WVEC, WTKR, WHRO) and radio talk shows, when parenting issues are discussed.
- Regular appearances and consultant on WAVY TV - presently
- Appeared on Oprah Winfrey Show, Sonya Live, Les Brown and CNN News (listed in speeches) Cited in Parents Magazine, Good Housekeeping (April 1998) Christian Parenting Today (July/August 1997), Richmond Times Dispatch (May 1994), Detroit News (Dec. 1993) Parenting Today, The Martinsville Bulletin (Dec. 1996) , The Virginian-Pilot (numerous times)Hinduism Today, End Violence Against the Next Generation (EVAN-G), Navy Family Services publications, The Parenting Connection, the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse publications
- Katharine C. Kersey, “The Real Meaning of Christmas,” - Tidewater Parent - December 1998
- Katharine C. Kersey, “The Conscious Parent,” Visions Magazine - April 1999
- “Resilient Children,” - Childhood Education
- Currently engaged in research and writing:
- “Helping Children Maintain a Healthy Relationship with the Non-Custodial Parent,” - Young Children
- “Strengthening Empathic Reactions in Preschool Children: A Review of Wee Care for Pets Pilot Program,” ongoing research with Dr. Nancy Welch, Ph.D., Director of Chesapeake Community Protective Services, examining empathis reactions in preschool children and their correlation with attitudes to animals.
