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Welcome to the Motorsports Bachelor’s Program webpage of Old Dominion University (ODU) in the State of Virginia.

This is an engineering completion program offered by ODU’s Frank Batten College of Engineering & Technology. The program is delivered through its Department of Engineering Technology in partnership with the New College Institute (NCI) in the City of Martinsville, VA.

The motorsports bachelor’s program is open to students that have completed a minimum of 58 “lower-division” college credits. ODU catalogues as lower-division credits, those credits that are typically completed by students during the first two years of college-level studies.

These credits include mathematics, natural science, oral and written communication in English, perspectives in the humanities and social sciences, and technical subjects of engineering and technology with relevancy to the field of motorsports.

Engineering professionals with expertise in motorsports are currently in high demand nationally, and internationally. Careers in motorsports are exciting, rewarding and with great technical and financial potential.

Thus, you are invited to pursue engineering education in this field by enrolling in ODU's motorsports bachelor 's program.

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