Old Dominion University
A to Z Index  |  Directories

James V. Koch

HIST 368/396

ECON 202

ECON 301

ECON 456/556

ECON 604

ECON 436


You will take two mid-term examinations; each will count 20 percent of your final grade. Your two reports, together, will constitute another 20 percent of your grade. The final examination, which will be comprehensive and cover the entire course, will provide the final 25 percent of your grade. Throughout the term, I will give you small written problems to do; together they are worth 15% of your grade and will be due the week after they are distributed. Thus:

Problems 15%

Mid-Term One 20%

Mid-Term Two 20%

Two In-Class Reports 20%

Final Examination 25%

The final examination will be open book, open note. You may bring any materials to class you see fit, though you may not collude with anyone once you enter the final examination classroom. I will provide you with a list of 25 to 40 questions on about April 1st . The final examination questions will come from this list. I’ll probably ask you four questions. You may prepare your answers ahead of time and you may work with others as you do so. If several students hand in the same answer, you will sink or swim with the quality of that answer. Since you will have the final examination questions ahead of time, I will expect quality discussion and analysis.