Evolution of Modern Science

Carhart & Rogers

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Map - Greece
Map - Mediterranean colonies
David, Death of Socrates
Plato, allegory of the cave
Plato, doctrine of the line
Elements & humors
Ptolemaic universe
planetary retrograde motion
eccentric, epicyclic, equant

map - Islamic Expansion, 630-750
map - Medieval Universities
Alhazen visual cone
ms. optics in scholasticism
Alberti distance
Alberti visual triangle
Alberti centric point
Uccello sketch
Leonardo sketch
Leonardo, Adoration of the Magi
Alberti visual triangle & veil
Alberti veil
Raphael, School of Athens (1505)
Leonardo, Vitruvian man

Map - Italy, 15c
Text & image

Taccola, cannon
Taccola, cats & mice
Taccola, Brunelleschi
Taccola, leverage
Leonardo, mirror 1
Leonardo, mirror 2
Leonardo, mirror 3
Tycho notebook (comet, 1577)
Kepler's Laws
Galilean relativity
Newton, prism experiment
Newton, gravity

Bird in Air Pump (1768)
J.-A. Nollet, flying boy (1746)
Leiden jar
Galvani, frog (1791)
Galvani, frog on the terrace (1791)
Voltaic pile
"It's alive!" (1931)
Faraday motor (1821)
Faraday coil (1831)
Faraday disc generator
Faraday iron filings (1851)
electric field lines
electric field waves


Great Salt Lake
Salt Lake sand
Siccar Point, Scotland

Darwin, species diagram

market, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)
market, Wuhan (China)
bat-SARS-Cov, Hong Kong (map)
horseshoe bats
crispr - diagram 1
crispr - diagram 2

Human evolution

Watson & Crick DNA model

London Bill of Mortality (Sept. 12-19, 1665)
London Bill of Mortality (1665, cumulative)
London plague curve
John Snow, cholera map

Michelson-Morley experiment (Flash req.)
Crooke's Tube (YouTube)
Roentgen / x-ray
Becquerel's photographic plate
J.J. Thompson, electrons
alpha, beta, gamma radiation
Photoelectric effect
Special relativity
"plum pudding" atomic model
Rutherford scattering experiment
binding energy per nucleon
radioactive decay 1
radioactive decay (log-linear plot)
Carbon-14 decay
Carbon dating
Hydrogen spectrum

K-25 Gaseous diffusion plant
CP1 - Fermi lab, Chicago
Hanford reactor
Little Boy
Fat Man
Atomic explosion
Triga reactor critical
Giant leap for mankind
NSF budgets
Carbon dating
radioactive decay 2
Uranium/Lead ratios
Barringer crater, Arizona

Hetch Hetchy

Kubrick, Dr. Strangelove (We'll meet again), :47
Place de la Concorde, Paris
Anchorage earthquake, Nov. 30, 2018
Alaska plate map (USGS)
C-14 (radiocarbon dating)
Germany's oldest rock

Periodic table of the elements (RSC)
Periodic table (CorrosionSource)
Sodium Chloride ionic crystal structure

Magic pentagram (sphere)
Chess Player
Jacquard loom (video)
Jacquard loom
J. M. Jacquard portrait
Babbage, Difference Engine
A. Lovelace, Babbage Analytical Engine (1842)
Mars rover landing (Feb. 2021) (video)
Mars landing simulation (nvidia, June. 2020)

Galileo to Grand Duchess, 1615 (.pdf)
No Physicist is an Island (NY Times, 2013)

James Hutton, "Theory of the Earth," Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1 (1788): Part 2, pp.209-304.
Abstract here.

Yersin, "La peste bubonique à Hong Kong," Ann. Inst. Pasteur 8 (1894): 662-67.
SARS (.ppt)
Susanna K. P. Lau, Patrick C. Y. Woo et al., “Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-like virus in Chinese horseshoe bats,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 102/39 (2005): 14040-45.
E. Charpentier et al., "CRISPR RNA," Nature 471 (2011): 602-07.
Charpentier, Doudna et al., "Programmable RNA," Science 337/2096 (2012): 816-21.

Nature 171 (25 April 1953)


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©Michael Carhart