Old Dominion University
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Striga asiatica Scrophulariaceae

Yellow flowered form. Whiteville, North Carolina.

from sugarcane (right) and veld (left)

on sorghum, Botswana

Parasitizing sorghum. Mbyo Sector, Bugesra District, Eastern Province, Rwanda. 1 December 2019. 2°13'20.17"S 30°13'21.43"E

Sierra Leone (photo by ??)

being eaten by Precis orithya

bud in longisection

Section of corolla.

Parasitizing sorghum. Mbyo Sector, Bugesra District, Eastern Province, Rwanda. 1 December 2019. 2°13'20.17"S 30°13'21.43"E

On Sorghum vulgare. Kavango Region, northern Namibia. 17.654140 degrees S, 18.634622 degrees E. 8 March 2012

Whiteville, North Carolina

WARNING:  Accurate determination of this plant or fungus depends on more than this single image.