Old Dominion University
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Thomas Socha


COMM 302

COMM 412/512

COMM 427/527

Comm 495 Positive Comm.


COMM 326

COMM 425/525

COMM 425/525

Family Communication

Spring 2011

Family Communication (COMM 425/525) is an upper-division undergraduate and beginning-level graduate human communation course that advances students understandings of the role of communiation in the construction, maintenance, and defiinition of  primary human relationships and groups. Student are expected to have completed COMM 200S (see the instructor if a waiver is needed) and be at least junior status. 


Related courses are: COMM 412/512 Interpersonal Communication Theories and Research; COMM 426/526 Group Communication Theory and Research; COMM 427/527 Children's Communication Theories, Methods, and Applications.


Course Goals: COMM 425
  • Introduce students to a communication perspective on families and family relationships
  • Increase student's understand of primary theories of communication in families and family relationships
  • Develop students abilities to recognize communication patterns and processes that support the positive development of family participant's potentialities.
  • Increase student's understanding and appreciation of connections between family communication and societal discourse.
  • Improve students critical-analytical abilities in consuming popular literature about families and family relationships, especially that which advises about family communication

The above goals will be reached by means of lectures, discussion, screenings of relevent media, as well as written assignments and examinations.


Course Goals: COMM 525
  • Introduce students to a communication perspective on families and family relationships
  • Increase student's theoretical understanding communication in families and family relationships
  • Develop students abilities to research communication in families and family relationships
  • Increase student's understanding and appreciation of connections between family communication and societal discourse.
  • Improve students critical-analytical abilities in consuming popular literature about families and family relationships, especially that which advises about family communication
  • Increase student's abilites to prepare and teach lessons in family communication (for the class as well as audiences outside of class)

The above goals will be reached by means of additonal readings, lectures, disussion, screenings, research writing assignments intended to

lead to presentation at professional conferences, examinations, as well as preparing and teaching family communication lessons. 

Credit in COMM 525 can be applied towards the MA in Lifespan and Digital Communication degree.